I wrote a series of articles nearly two years ago to rethink the GTD
system, which I
think is worth revisiting again. Not the essays, which were from when I
called the website “TealArt” (don’t ask) and were before I really
discovered free software and open source in a big way; but rather, I
think two years out from my original article and even further out from
the heart of the GTD fad, I think that it’s worthwhile to explore GTD
For those of you playing along at home, GTD (Getting Things Done) is
really a “personal productive methodology” designed by David
Allen that swept the geek community a few
years ago. It’s good stuff, and while it’s certianly not a
one-size-fits-all miricle cure for umproductive and overwhelmed folk; it
promotes (to my mind) a number of goals that I think are quite
- Have a single system, that integrates across all aspects of your life.
One place where systems can fail is if you’re using different
“databases” (in the non-technical sense) to store information and
tasks, and you have a piece of information that might fit in either
system: when you go to look for it later (or need to be notified by it
later) the chance of you missing the task because it’s on the wrong
list is much higher if you have more than one place where lists might
- Think about tasks and projects being broken into “actionable items,”
and have actions be the unit of currency in your system. As you
assimilate information be sure to record anything that needs doing and
keep it in your system
- Attach two pieces of metadata to your action: project (what larger
goal does the action help you acomplish; you’ll likely have a list of
these projects), and “contexts” (where do you have to be in order to
do the action, things like “phone” “office” “erands”) are
helpful for focusing and making it easier to move your projects
- Do regular reviews of the information on your todolists, and spend (an
hour?) once a week making sure you’re not foregetting things and that
you’ve checked off all the actions that you’ve actually done and so
There are other details, precise methods which GTD people focus on, talk
about, and provide in their software applications. Frankly I’ve not
read the book and I’m by no means an expert on the subject. I continue
to have objections to the system: it assumes large tasks and quickly and
easily be broken down into smaller tasks (which isn’t always true), and
that projects follow linear and predicatable sequences, which I find to
be almost universally false. While the reviews help counteract these
sorts of assumptions about projects, I have always tended to find GTD a
poor solution to the productivity problem: both for myself and in my
observations of how other people work.
At the same time, I think the notion of a single system that comes to
the mainstream via GTD and of weekly/regular reviews, another artifact
of GTD, are both really helpful and powerful concepts for organizing
ourselves. The other aforementioned “features” are helpful for many,
but I feel that very often organinzing the “GTD list,” and our lives
to fit ino a GTD list is often too much of a burden and gets in the way
of doing things.
I’m interesting in finding out how people these days are talking and
thinking about GTD these days. I think the fad has died down, and I’m
interested in seeing what we’ve as a geeky community have learned from
the experience.
Interestingly, I’m probably doing something much closer to what GTD
recomended these days than I ever have before.
org-mode is (among many other things) a
capiable GTD tool. I think it’s successful not simply because it
supports GTD, and the task-management features seem to have grown out of
an emacs/writing writing platform rather than a calendar platform. The
end result is that I’ve found the GTD way to be quite effective, though
its largely unintentional.
I’m interested in hearing where your own systems are, and how you feel
about GTD these days:
- Do you use GTD or GTD based methodologies for your personal
- If you only use some which, and why?
- If you don’t use GTD, what system if any do you use?
- If you once used GTD but stopped, or have considered using GTD and
then didn’t, I’m particularly interested to learn why you came to
these conclusions?
- What current factors influence the way that you organize your work?
I hope that covers everyone. I’m particularly interested by how
creative folks work, but i think in the right light that covers most of
us. I look forward to hearing from you?
Cheers, sam