I’m not sure that I have a great deal of news regarding Station Keeping to report to you this fine morning. It warmed significantly in the last few days in Wisconsin, and it doesn’t look like there’s going to be any more snow. Which means we’ve moved quickly from “frozen season” to “allergy season.” As a result I spent the end of the week and the weekend in a stupor. I think I hit the peak early/midday on Sunday, and I’m starting to feel better. The project that seemed to take the largest hit was SK, alas. In this stupor I did watch a great deal of television that I’d been saving up for a while, and I got some knitting done as well.
We have 3 confirmed contributors to this project, and had I been more cogent this weekend I think that I might have been able to gather a few more. I also have the first 6 weeks laid out, and I think that perhaps later in the week I’ll start writing the first of those episodes. In some ways the episode summaries that I wrote were to provide an example of what I thought an episode could “do,” not to mention inspire a stuck writer, but I’ve also thought that these were the kind of episodes that I might write, so unless people volunteer, I’ll start with some of the writing. I also had a discussion with one of the aforementioned writers regarding the longer-term plot developments that I’ve archived for the purpose of shedding some light on my thoughts regarding the longer term vision of this project.
Because I don’t have enough Station Keeping content to fill an entire entry, I think that this is about to turn into a general catchall blog post. Sooo….
In other news, I’ve spent a good deal of time these past few days working on the layout of a book that is going a children’s book. I look forward to being done with this (and also having another something for a graphic design portfolio, should I ever need to do that). I have realized as part of this, that if I want to do graphics work (which I really do pretty irregularly) I totally would need a better computer, because the ever reliable zoe was totally not up to the task. I think the postponement of the release of Leopard to October means that I’m unlikely to begin to seriously hurting for a new computer until at least then. I think that I’m particularly sensitive to this because I put in the order for Zoe almost exactly 2 years ago. I think that I’ll have to work on some sort of retrospective to honor the occasion.
I’m an/the outgoing leader, of my campus' queer group. Since a number of us are leaving/graduating at the end of the year, we started on updating the groups constitution1, as a way of enhancing the continuity, and recording the unspoken assumptions that have guided the leaders of the group for several years. This has incited an unprecedented level of attention from some folks with heretofore limited involvement in the operations or activities of the club. And, some decisively undemocratic tactics, which rob attention that I would like to put towards other projects including TealArt, knitting-related, and research related. I think though, to tie this back into something on topic, there’s totally going to be a SK episode where Eli or Talia will grind a council of nebbishen politicians into a very fine powder. Sigh. Take any angry twitters with a grain of salt concerning the above.
While I would like to avoid being self congratulatory, I have to say that I’m very much enjoying the progress that we’ve been able to maintain at tealart. It’s been a nice compliment to my school work, and it’s nice to have other projects to think about and consider. I think my misery during my allergies was due in part to the fact that by thursday I was really caught up with my blog writing, and didn’t have much left to do. So here’s to being able to keep it up for a while. I have some nifty essays planned and prepped for this week. I just got a rather nifty idea for another series (to follow up the hypertext series), so I think I’ll be sketching that out in the next few days. Anyway, if you’re interested in writing a wednesday essay, talk to me. In the mean time, stay tuned this week, and I hope that I have something more meaningful to share with you all about Station Keeping in a week.
see you around, tycho
This document which is largely irrelevant had gone unused and un-updated for 6+ years, which for a residential liberal arts college group is an eternity. ↩︎