I never know what to call these check-in posts where I’m like “so here’s what I’m working on…” bleh, sorry for the nonsensical titles.
I’ve been fairly buried in the academic writing and graduate school application writing. On the plate for tonight, I need to get, probably about a thousand words on my major paper for the semester, which will break the back of the draft. My concern is that it has to be perfect by friday afternoon, which is pushing things to the last minute, but on the account of this paper, that seems reasonable. But I’m not going to stress to much about this yet, and I’m in good shape. It’s just a little frantic making, I guess.
The blog will understandably be spare in the interim.
In terms of knitting news, I’ve not been doing very much: I’ve been writing with a sweater on my lap and I’ll knit a few little row-lets when ever I need a moment to think or plan for what’s next. The gray sweater is going slowly, I’m working on knitting the shoulder strap, and it’s going swimingly, aside from being kinda fiddly, it’s perfect for this kind of knitting.
Last night while I was listening to something for class I got the Morocco sweater into shape so that I could knit it in class and this week in those moments that seem to need knitting. It’s going much faster now, that I’ve started setting in the sleeves, and it’s as engauging as always. It’s kind of amazing how enjoyable I find colorwork, even when it’s devilishly complex like this sweater. I’m looking forward to casting on something else, but I’m being good and waiting till I have brain time and a sweater done.
Hope you all are well. Cheers!
Onward and Upward!