We have this rather large, and by this point, somewhat middle aged cat. He’s incredibly shy around people he doesn’t know, and there are only a very select few who aren’t us that have seen him (maybe a dozen? not more than two dozen) in the 7-8 years we’ve had him. The neighbor who cleans up after them when we’re gone refers to it as “cleaning up after our invisible cats” because she’s not seen them. (We’ll, she’s seen the one, at a distance, I think).

Anyway, so we were talking about the feline hierarchy in the house, in particular how Nash (the large, shy one) would theoretically respond to a new feline member of the household. I said:

Think about how he treats us--the herding, the mewing, and so forth--ok, now he’s a big cat, but we’re bigger than he is. Another cat wouldn’t be. Think about how he’d cope with someone smaller than him… I’m just saying, it could be a problem.