As part of my project to learn common lisp, or at least write more common lisp as part of my day to day work and life, I’ve

This is a total rip off of this blog post, with a few minor changes:

  • I hacked some makefile goodness so that it will automatically create binaries for all .lisp files, and means that you can drop a script in the directory and not have to edit the makefile to get the magic to happen.
  • I switched to using buildapp to rather than cl-launch. Buildapp feels a bit more maintained, and I wanted practice using it. Otherwise, I don’t think it matters.

The makefile:

TARGETS := $(subst .lisp,,$(wildcard *.lisp))


    @echo [build]: creating $@
    @buildapp --load $< --entry script:run --output $@
    @echo [build]: created $@

    @rm -f $(TARGETS)

Hello world:

(cl:defpackage #:script
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:run))

(cl:in-package :script)

(defun run (argv)
   (format t "hello world~%"))

As an aside, I also updated the buildapp aur package.


  • Common lisp scripts.
  • The ability to integrate writing lisp into your existing Linux/Unix workflow and processes.
  • Not having to think about packaging or build architecture for trivial operations.


  • ~40+ meg executable.
  • Only one source file per script.