As if I needed a new project, this post introduces a new project that’s floating around in my mind. I was having a conversation with a friend about how I use the computer, I realized that while I’ve talked about various elements of how I use computer’s (the short story: peculiarly), I’ve not really talked about the holistic experience. As I started to talk about the various components and how they connect and work together, I realized that with out an example it was about as clear as mud.
So, in light of this, I’ve decided to make a “tychoish stack,” which won’t be anything particularly novel, but a repackaging of the software--mostly configurations and little bits here and there--that I use on a daily basis. My stumpwm configuration. The highlights of my Emacs configuration, and a few install scripts to make it all work together. An SSH configuration file that will make your life much easier, a list of packages that you’ll want to install on common operating systems (Debian/Ubuntu and Arch Linux), and--because I am who I am--a fair piece of writing about best practices and how to these tools effectively.
I was talking with Chris the other day in one of our never ending conversations regarding is ever changing choices of desktop operating systems. “Windows just feels more polished to me right now,” he said after a stint with the latest Ubuntu or one of its derivatives.
To which I said, “of course it does,” they pay bunches of people lots of money to make sure that Windows is polished and it’s a high priority given the failure of Vista and the direction of the market. The reason I use Linux full time is not because I want a better more polished experience, I use Linux full time, because I want something very specific: a window manager that stays out of my way and doesn’t distract me with “chrome,” emacs buffers that run in the way that I expect them to, package management tools that allow my system to work and function day in and day out, the ability to customize all of these functions to suit the evolving needs of my work, and nothing else that I have to mess around with.
This is something that I can only get from a UNIX system, and the more I play with different systems, the more I’m inclined to think that the only way to get this is with Arch Linux. But that’s just me. I’ve played with a bunch of different operating systems (that’s an aspect of my day job) and I’ve spent time using OS X, and it just doesn’t work for me. I don’t need smooth, I don’t want polish, I just want something that lets me work.
Different computer systems make sense for different people. There’s no problem with that assertion, I think.
The problem of course, that my setup doesn’t scale. I can go from a
bare arch installation to a working version of my system in a few hours
by using rsync
to copy over my home directory, updating a few git
repositories, installing a list of packages, and creating a half dozen
symbolic links, but building this from the bottom up would take a long
The goal of this project then, is to make that process easier. I’ve done a bunch of work to get a setup that does what I need it to do, I know which applications work, I know how to plug everything together to make it easier to manage. I want to build a stack so that you all can take it, learn from what I’ve done, and spend the time customizing it to what you do, rather than going through the trouble of building it up yourselves.
How’s that sound?