I write a lot of Go code, increasingly so to the point that I don’t really write much code in other languages. This is generally, fine for me, and it means that most of the quirks of the language have just become sort of normal to me. There are still a few things that I find irritating, and I stumbled across some code at work a few weeks ago that was awkwardly aggregating errors from a collection of goroutines and decided to package up some code that I think solves this pretty well. This is an introduction and a story about this code.
But first, let me back up a bit.
The way that go models concurrency is very simple: you start gorountines, but you have to explicitly manage their lifecycle and output. If you want to get errors out of a thread you have to collect them somehow, and there’s no standard library code that does this so there are a million bespoke solutions to this, and while every Go programmer has or will eventually write a channel or some kind of error aggregator to collect errors from a goroutine, it’s a bit dodgy because you have to stop thinking about whatever thing you’re working on to write some thread-safe, non-deadlocking aggregation code, which inevitably means even more goroutines and channels and mutexes or some such.
Years ago, I wrote this type that I called a “catcher” that was really just a slice of errors and a mutex, wrapped up with [Add(error)]{.title-ref} and [Resolve() error]{.title-ref} methods, and a few other convenience methods. You’d pass or access the catcher from different goroutines and never really have to think much about it. You get “continue-on-error” semantics for thread pools, which is generally useful, and you never accidentally deadlock on a channel of errors that you fumbled in some way. This type worked its way into the logging package that I wrote for my previous team and got (and presumably still gets) heavy use.
We added more functionality over time: different output formats, support for error annotation when it came and also the ability to have a catcher annotate incoming errors with a timestamp for long running applications of the type. The ergonomics are pretty good, and it helped the team spend more time implementing core features and thinking about the core problems of the product’s domain and less time thinking about managing errors in goroutines.
When I left my last team, I thought that it’d be good to take a step back from the platform and tools that I’d been working on and with for the past several years, but when I saw some code a while back that implemented its own error handling again something clicked, and I wanted just this thing. '
So I dug out the old type, put it in a new package, dusted off a few cobwebs, improved the test coverage, gave it a cool name, and reworked a few parts to avoid forcing downstream users to pickup unnecessary dependencies. It was a fun project, and I hope you all find it useful!
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