So the windows in the house here are positioned just right, so that there’s glare on my computer screen from about 9:15 to 3 in the afternoon. Joy. Getting a new computer would actually make this problem worse, I think. Given that the Macbook “con” has a glossy screen. Sigh.

I’ve always been a fan of the notion that some of the best blogging fall in the category of “here’s a funny little thing that happened just now.” A sort of macro view of “the moment.” And I tend to err on the side of the light and comical, rather than the dark and brooding, though it seems like the dark often attracts a larger community or something.

That stuff they told you about “opposites attracting,” is all lies. Particularly when it comes to “the crazies” on Internet forums.

So my grandmother (hi!) has a knee injury that has required an immobilizing splint, and likely will for a number of weeks. I would like to report the following anecdote in the column of “signs things will be ok:”

There is a walker in the house provided by a friend that seems to be used primarily as a foot rest (I had initially thought that she was using it for the unencumbered leg, alas not) also it sees use as a rack to hang things like blankets and lap-throws. And though it occasionally goes with her from point a, it doesn’t seem to make it all the way to point b, as she decides that it would be more useful in a stationary position next to a chair, or that it should spend the night on the other side of the house from the bedroom.

I had a conversation with Dave the other night about my thoughts on upgrading. I now think that the reasons to wait are: 1) the possibility that I would get a mac book pro following the release of the new ones at WWDC in June. 2) my financial outlook for the next six months might indicate that waiting several months would be useful. 3) there is no number 3. So I have to do some math, and I would like to think about these things for a little while, but I think the time is now.

I read a little more in the Tiptree book last night. I’m thinking that I’m going to avoid the television news this night and use that time for reading, and possibly some other time as well. I’m saying now, that it’s my goal to be done with this book by the time I leave on Friday.

One of my most productive list making strategies has been to make a new list in the notebook each night before I go to bed, with a new list of the things that I need to do. This way it contains a reasonable list of things that need doing, and I’m more likely to put chores and other things that take time and are important to do, but don’t typically get mentioned on todo lists. So I’m starting to do this on my computers “.tasks” files (I’d do them on paper except the pen--as previously mentioned--is out of ink, and this was good )

I upgraded to Safari 3. Finally. Can’t, frankly, tell the difference. For the moment I’m using it as my primary browser. I try to keep from “living” in the browser as much as possible, and just for reading LJ and wikipedia, Safari is faster. We’ll see if it sticks.

Ok, that’s enough for this morning. Off to get things done, and maybe change out of these plaid trousers.

Onward and Upward!