I learned yesterday something about my grades, which made me rather happy, and I hope this bodes well for my future. I am of course, graduating in several days and this is still a somewhat jarring experience. I have yet to pack in earnest, though I think it won’t be much of an issue. I also have to take back a mess of library books, which is in itself somewhat frustrating, but soon, very soon I will be done.
While I will of course miss the academic climate, it’s not as if I’ve never been faced with a few months away from classes and organized learning at the beginning of the summer. I’m going to be going to school again in the fall. What I worry about most, now is ironically the more trivial aspects of institution switching, and I think this is much like I felt 3 years ago when I went to college from high school. This time I’m worried about things like picking classes for next semester, switching email addresses, and library access over the summer. I have backup email addresses and I should be getting another official address fairly soon, and my father has access to an academic library, so I should be set for the summer, but it’s still a bit strange. Ah, the little things.
I wrote a bit about this the other day, but among my other projects for this summer is reading more for fun. I’ve actually been able to work a little bit of this in this semester, and it’s a great deal of fun. I’ve read Melissa Scott’s `Trouble and Her Friends <http://www.amazon.com/Trouble-Her-Friends-Melissa-Scott/dp/0812522133>`_, which was delightfully wonderful, and I’m working on Samuel R. Delany’s `The Einstein Intersection <http://www.amazon.com/Einstein-Intersection-Samuel-R-Delany/dp/0819563366>`_ at the moment which is quite good, but is a good bit different from the kind of stuff that I’m used to, I’m also not done, so I can’t really comment as fully as perhaps I would like too. I’ve also downloaded a number of audio Science Fiction podcasts that I’m hoping to find a good time to listen to this summer. Also on my list (other than more Delany and Scott): James Tiptree, Jr.).
For some reason I swore off SF a while ago: it was to kid like, it made me seem too geeky at a time when that wasn’t what I was going for, I hated being pegged as a genre writer, and frankly I don’t remember what else. While this might be the case, I have to also say that I’ve gotten back to a point where I’m ok with it. I’m more interested in the imaginations of SF writers and the kinds of ideas and issues that they tend to address in their work. It also feels like home. So this explains Station Keeping and my recent and future reading plans. It’s also another part of the “what I want to do this summer, other than knit compulsively.”
That’s about all I have to report for you all today. I’d like to welcome the soon to-be-former roommate as a new TealArt blogger, there’ll be a tech article tomorrow, so I’ll see you then!
Cheers, ty