So this is supposed to be, at least in part, a knitting blog. My apologies for not writing about my knitting much of late. I’ve been thinking about knitting a bit and finally starting to do some knitting again. But I have a confession to make: I’ve started on a new project.
I’m knitting a new sweater out of some stash yarn. It’s just going to be a teal (big surprise) pullover with plain knitting. I want to do an EPS-style raglan pullover when I’m at knitting camp this year, and I thought it would be good to get started on that. I have about 5 inches done, and it’s my intention to get the body and the sleeves to the underarm, and maybe do a little bit of the yoke before my camp at the end of July. I’m going slowly, but I seem to be able to make time to regularly work on this project. That’s a good thing.
There’s not much more to talk about there. I think, at least in part, my issue was that the knitting I was trying to concentrate on was the kind of knitting that needed a lot of sustained attention, in a global sense. I could pick it up for a few moments here and there, but if I wasn’t picking it up pretty regularly, the rhythm and energy behind the project faded away. And since I was trying to not divide my knitting energy between multiple projects, I pretty much stopped knitting. While the more complicated project, the Latvian Dreaming project is something that I want to continue to do in the future, it’s not working for me at this instant.
Speaking of getting back into the swing of things, I also did some spinning. Egad, I’m out of practice. I enjoyed it, but wow, I totally over-plyed the skein of yarn in question. It’s been long enough that I can’t quite remember how it was that I was plying the yarn. I might have done it with scotch tension (the plying not the spinning) rather than double drive, or it might have been a lazy-kate issue. Though I’m not discouraged enough to stop spinning, because I think I can find my mojo again, it did give me a little pause.
I think I need to do something to get a little more control over spinning and knitting time, which probably means figuring out some way to balance other projects more effectively. How do you all--who aren’t students--manage to get knitting time, particularly if you work a lot, and/or have a number of freelance-ish projects, that can suck time in a major way?