Here’s a status report for you all:
- I’ve gone through the first four chapters of the novella incorporating the most of the changes that my first readers suggested. Woohoo! I also, fixed a recurring misspelling of a character’s name, and a couple of unclear moments. I think the ending is going to need a little clarifying perhaps for draft 3, but I don’t want to tinker with it too much for draft 2.
- I am almost half way done with the sleeve of this sweater. Blasted thing. That’s why I’ve not been posting much about knitting recently, it’s more of the same, and this is a loose end of an old project. I realize that most of you all who are reading this site are probably most interested in my knitting (welcome folks from ravelry!) but the truth is that most of the time, my knitting progress amounts to, “look here, I knit another inch on the same sweater!” and is as a result not nearly as sexy as it could be. I hope you don’t mind the musings about trends in science fiction or whatever else happens to be on my mind. Like….
- I think my taste buds are becoming habituated to the burn of horseradish. I put what I would have thought was an obscene amount of the stuff on a can of tuna-fish with mayo, and I could barely taste it. I fear that this might affect my overall quality of life. Sigh
- I’m slowly easing into work on the new novel project, and it’s starting to feel more like home. I always worry about using planning and the “marinating” process as a sort of “productive procrastination,” but the truth is that sometimes you just have to sit on ideas for a while, and I’m feeling better about the project now.
- Though I’m a long way away from actually starting a new project, I’ve been looking at the Celtic Charted Designs book for ideas, and not being compleatly successful. I have time, but I don’t want to accidentally finish all my projects and then be without a new project again. That’s an ugly state to be in.
- I think I have a sweater that I’m going to lengthen the sleeves a bit, so then it will fit, but still be to warm to wear below the Arctic Circle.
- I’m about to head out to a new knitting group, and I’ve packed my tote bag from knitting camp full of projects, that I’m sure I won’t get a chance to knit on, but it’s worth a start. I guess it’s time to put on pants for the day….