While this week flew by in many respects and I only got a couple of posts out, there is much change and progress afoot. This post is an attempt to catalog some of the work I (and others) have been doing that hasn’t made it onto the blog:
Discussion of the “Better Task List” post by jfm`. Including spoilers for posts that I hope to have ready next week.
Further discussion of the make emacs better post. I’m thinking that it’s probably nearly time to split that into a few pages. There’s a lot of great content there and people have added a lot. I’m a huge fan.
Not a link, except to say that I did some fairly substantial tweaks of the site’s design, which is probably only worth mentioning because I suspect most people read the site on RSS. Different fonts in the headers, and I rearranged the masthead to be a little more clean, and changed the links a bit.
I’m in the slow process of cleaning up the Cyborg Institute site which I’ve neglected for far too long. I’m importing a lot of the content that I wrote over there, notably sygn and tubmle-manager. Next up, some straggling blog posts, and a clean up of the existing content to match my current projects and work.
The knitting posts, which is collected separately from rhizome posts is in full swing, and I hope to be able to post a few things there every now and then.
There’s now a real tag index and a tag cloud that looks like something. I’d avoided putting together a page like this for some time, because there were a lot of junk tags and enough really big tags that the cloud didn’t really work. I’ve mostly cleaned that up, leaving the wiki with a rather awesome tag cloud
I’ve also found a few things on the web that I think you might enjoy on the web:
A new blog called observatory. I’ve been talking to the author a bit. I realized that there aren’t very many blogs that are so verbose. I suppose ByteBaker is another example, but there aren’t many of them around.
undo-tree-mode is a nifty little emacs hack that makes undoing and redoing much less complicated and weird. (From that make emacs better discussion.) Though I have to admit that I no longer have a problem with the default behavior, even if I know it’s a bit counter intuitive.
I’ve been reading Strange Horizons more than I have in the past, thanks mostly to instapaer and InstaFetch for Android. I was particularly found of Genevieve Valentine’s column/review of a glorious mess of a movie trope.
That’s all I have for this week.
Comments Undo-tree also allows for undoing based on time (see here), apparently a feature that vim has.