I’m posting this before going to bed. I’ve replied to most of the pressing emails in my inbox, so I feel pretty good about that. I’ve also been on a knitting kick, and have made what I feel is important progress on a sweater that now has an end in sight. This is a good thing. I’ve also only have 1 more episode of the regular run of Farscape to watch, and while this might not seem like a huge accomplishment, I’ve quite enjoyed it, so there.

I have a short day at work tomorrow, which is to my liking. When I get home, though, I will have a score of chores and what not to do. Also, I need to get my brain back in gear for writing. While I usually don’t get much actual writing done during the week, I’m often a bit better about thinking through things and making notes, and writing things in the notebook. Alas, I haven’t done much of that this week.

But if I hope to do anything tomorrow other than nap pitifully, I need to go to bed now, so have a good day, and I’ll see you all soon.