… but it’s all intentional.
I’m taking the GRE today, so my week is intentionally getting off to a false start. I’m not, and haven’t been, writing a whole lot, and I’m trying to slip into the right mindset. My scores have had a practice-test range of about 150 points, all of them better than what I got a year ago. Here’s hoping for the best, I think I know what to do to make this work, but a little luck never hurt anyone. This afternoon, I’ll be ready for putting more things on my plate.
I’ve been spinning again (on my mother’s wheel; I’m still trying to sell the two of mine that I have remaining so that I can get a wheel of my own.) And I’m really pleased with the product. It’s about sport weight or so. It’s going pretty quick now that I have the hang of it, and the yarn is going to be pretty swell to knit with. It should be enough to knit socks with, but I’m not sure that I will, I think not having plans about your hand-spun (so long as you spin enough to at least theoretically make something with it,) is one of the key’s to success.
Knitting also continues apace. My sock projects, which are supposed to be fun little things that don’t require much thought and always work out, aren’t working out the way I’d want them to. And I figured out a key part of the sweater design which I’d been avoiding heretofore. I’d say I have about 15 inches left to go before the shoulder saddle starts, but a bit less than 5 until the armhole starts, and I’m thinking that I’m about half way there, length wise.
It’s something. I’ll post here this afternoon when I have an idea about my scores, and things seem to settle down.