I’m sorry that I’ve not posted here very much recently and also that the links in this post will be pretty unadorned. I’ll make up for it with table of contents:
::: {.contents} :::
Ok, so it’s not much, but lets get started.
New Posts
While my posting volume has gone down, I have posted something since the last update post.
- /posts/teaching-writing-skills
- /posts/is-dropbox-the-mobile-file-system-standard
- /posts/why-you-dont-want-programers-to-write-your-documentation
- /posts/remote-accessibility-reverse-tunneling-super-dynamic-dns
Rest assured that there’s more stuff in the pipeline.
Lost Posts
For some reason, that I haven’t figured out and don’t really care to, for a number of months, my posts from July of 2009 went missing. Usually this wouldn’t even be worth mentioning, except I July of 2009 was a big month for me writing wise--I’d just moved to the east coast, I had my first real tech job and my mind was full and I felt on fire. I consider a couple of these posts to be “tychoish classics.” The good news is I’ve found them, so here they are:
- /posts/are-web-standards-broken
- /posts/distribution-habits-and-change
- /posts/fa-sol-la
- /posts/infrastructural-commerce
- /posts/multiple-computers-and-singular-systems
- /posts/my-workstation-choices
- /posts/new-workstation-trials
- /posts/on-package-management
- /posts/on-public-key-encryption-and-security
- /posts/org-mode-pitfalls
- /posts/personal-desktop
- /posts/personal-desktop-2
- /posts/stars-in-my-torchwood-pocket
- /posts/technology-as-infrastructure-act-one
- /posts/technology-as-infrastructure-act-two
- /posts/technology-as-infrastructure-act-three
- /posts/the-blog-is-dead-long-live-the-blog
- /posts/why-arch-linux-rocks
They seem to be arranged alphabetically rather than sequentially, Sorry about that!
Contra Dancing Feature
A contra dancing friend of mine solicited an email from me a few weeks ago about a couple of contra related topics, which have worked their way into posts that you can read below.
The Internet is A Cool Place: Tablet/Cloud Computing
I found the following link on twitter from a few of my awesome (former) coworkers. It’s a blog post about a programmer who is using an iPad, a remote server, and a computer to do all of his work. read more
It’s an interesting possibility, frankly and I could probably make the shift easily enough if I wanted. Having said that, I feel like I’m a little too sensitive to TCP/SSH hiccups and I feel weird throwing all of my (potential?) productivity into something totally network dependent.
An Emacs Tip Interlude
I picked up the following little bit of emacs configuration, that I think is wicked cool. It removes some of the limitations on m mini-buffers, which gives them a lot of pretty cool features. It seemed like the kind of configuration that I should have known about and didn’t, so maybe some of you don’t know either.
(setq shell-command-default-error-buffer t)
(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t)
Git, not Hypertext, Is the tool by which we experience becoming Nomad
I’m not entirely sure why I’m following Stephen Ramsay on twitter, but I am. The other day I saw the following exchange, and I feel like it’s worth recording:
<sramsay> Back in the day, it was fashionable to say that hypertext
enacted certain theories associated with postmodernism (Deleuze, etc.)
<sramsay> We had it totally wrong. *Git* is the tool
by which we experience becoming nomad.
I love this idea, and I’ve been saying variants of this for a while, but it’s nice to get reinforcements. At the same I think it’s possible to easy to loose sight of how git is actually used of git when focusing on its transformative aspects. Which makes the theory read a little more hollow.
Onward and Upward!