One oft made complaint about emacs is that it takes forever to start up, particularly if you’ve got a lot of packages to load it can take a few seconds for everything to start up. In a lot of respects this is an old problem, that isn’t as relevant given contemporary hardware. Between improvements to emacs, and the fact that computers these days are incredibly powerful, it’s just not a major issue.

Having said that, until recently an emacs instance took as much as 7 seconds to start up. I’ve beaten it down to under two seconds, and using emacsclient and starting emacs with “emacs --daemon” makes the start up time much more manageable.

Step One: Manage your Display Yourself

I’ve written about this before, but really even a 2 second start time feels absurd, if I had to start a new emacs session each time I needed to look into a file. “emacs --daemon” and emacsclient mean that each time you “run” emacs rather than start a new emacs instance, it just opens a new frame on the existing instance. Quicker start up times. It means you can open a bunch of buffers in one frame, settle into work on one file, and then open a second buffer and edit one of the previous files you opened. Good stuff. The quirk is that if you’ve set up your emacs files to load the configuration for your window displays late in game, the windows won’t look right. I have a file in my emacs files called gui-init.el, and it looks sort of like this:

(provide 'gui-init)

(defun tychoish-font-small () (interactive) (setq default-frame-alist ‘((font-backend . “xft”)(font . “Inconsolata-08”) (vertical-scroll-bars . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (left-fringe . 1) (right-fringe . 1) (alpha 86 84))) (tool-bar-mode -1) (scroll-bar-mode -1) )

(if (string-match “laptop” system-name) (tychoish-font-big))

Modifying, of course, the system name, and the settings to match your tastes and circumstances. The (if) statement allows you to have a couple of these -font- functions defined and then toggle between them based on which machine you load emacs on. Then in your init file (e.g. .emacs), make sure the first two lines are:

(setq load-path (cons "~/confs/emacs" load-path))
(require 'gui-init)

Establish the load path first so that emacs knows where to look for your required files, and then use the (require) sexep to load in the file. Bingo.

Package Things Yourself

We saw this above, but as much as possible avoid using the load function. When you use load emacs has to (I’m pretty sure) do a fairly expensive file system operation and then load the file and then compile and load the file. This takes time. Using the require function is not without it’s own cost, but it does save some time compared to load because it lets you take advantage of the work emacs does with the library loading. At least in my experience.

In your various .el files, insert the following statement:

(provide 'package)

And then in your .emacs, use the following statement

(require 'package)

To load it in. You’re probably already familiar with using these to configure packages that you download. Better yet, don’t require at all, but use the auto-load function. This just creates a little arrow inside of emacs that says “when this function is called, load this file, and hopefully the ‘real’ function by this name will be in there.” This lets you avoid loading packages that you don’t use frequently until you actually need them. The following example provides an auto-load for the identica-mode:

(autoload 'identica-mode "identica-mode.el" "Mode for Updating Microblog" t)

Byte Compile files as much as you can.

Contrary to whatever you’ve been told, emacs isn’t a text editor, as much as it is a virtual machine with a good deal of low level functions established for interacting with text and textual environments and some editing-based interfaces. But really at the core, it’s just virtual machine that interprets a quirky Lisp dialect.

The execution model is pretty simple and straightforward, particularly to people who are used to Java and Python: you load source files, emacs imports them and compiles them half way, they’re not the kind of thing that you could read on your own or would want to write, but it’s not quite machine code either. Byte-compiled files are easier for the machine to read, and quicker to process, but they’re not human intelligible. Then when you need to do something with the function that it’s byte-compiled, emacs compiles it the rest of the way into machine code and executes it. Usually this all happens too fast that we don’t really notice it.

One tried and true means of speeding up emacs load times is to byte-compile files manually so that emacs doesn’t have to do it itself when it loads. The emacs-lisp libraries are byte compiled when emacs installs itself, but your files probably aren’t. Now generally, only byte-compile files that you’re not going to be editing yourself regularly. Byte compiled files have an .elc extension, and as soon as there’s a .el file and a .elc of the same name in a directory, emacs will ignore the .el file even if there have been changes made. To byte compile an emacs-lisp file, simply type M-x to get the execute-extended-command prompt, and then run the function byte-compile (i.e. “M-x byte-compile"). Viola!

I hope these all help you all and lead to a slightly more efficient emacs experience.