Deleuze and Grove

I’ve been reading, two books non-fiction intermittently in the last little bit: Andy Grove’s High Output Management and Deleuze and Guatteri’s What is Philosophy?. Not only is reading non-fiction somewhat novel for me, but I’m sorting delighting in the juxtaposition. And I’m finding both books pretty compelling.

These are fundamentally materialist works. Grove’s writing from his experience as a manager, but it’s a book about organizing that focuses on personal and organizational effectiveness, with a lot of corporate high-tech company examples. But the fact that it’s a high-tech company that works on actually producing things, means that he’s thinking a lot about production and material constraints. It’s particularly interesting because the discussion technology and management often lead to popular writing that’s handwavey and abstract: this is not what Grove’s book is in the slightest.

Deleuze is more complex, and Guatteri definitely tempers the materialism, though less in the case of What is Philosophy than the earlier books. Having said that, I think What is Philosophy is really an attempt to both justify philosophy in and for itself, but also to discuss the project of knowledge (concept) creation in material, mechanistic terms.

To be honest this is the thing that I find the most compelling about Deleuze in general: he’s undeniably materialist in his outlook and approach, but but his work often--thanks to Guatteri, I think--focuses on issues central to non-materialist thought: interiority, subjectivity, experience, and identity. Without loosing the need to explore systems, mechanisms, and interfaces between and among related components and concepts.

I talked with a coworker about the fact that I’ve been reading both of these pieces together, and he said something to the effect of “yeah, Grove rambles a bunch but has a lot of good points, which is basically the same as Deleuze.” Fair. I’d even go a bit further and say that these are both books, that are despite their specialized topics and focus, are really deep down books for everyone, and guides for being in the world.

Read them both.