Org Mode Pitfalls

I’m writing this post for all of the wrong reasons. I’ve had this “write a post about pitfalls of org-mode,” on my org-agenda for weeks, with a list of “ways I’m not doing things right in org-mode.” One of those pitfalls, the main one in fact, was “you’re living too much in the agenda view, and not thinking of your org-files as working documents and outlines onto themselves.”

And because I’m living too much in the agenda view, I’m writing a post (that I need to write, but have been hesitant to write for a while) mostly to get it off my todo list.

This is certainly an acceptable way to work, and I think todo lists mostly exist in order for their items to be completed and checked off. At the same time, I’ve said (and I keep saying) the beautiful thing about org-mode is that it allows you to plan and process your projects in a way that makes sense for project planning without centering your process on “actionable items,” which is good for doing things but less good for planning things.

And so I’ve been failing at keeping the “planning” and the “doing” as separate thought processes. Note to self: do better with this.

The second pitfall is in the “org-refile” functionality (C-c C-w), which allows you to send items and subtree’s to other parts of your org-agenda files. I think part of the problem is that I don’t really get how it was intended to be used, and as a result when I try to use it, it doesn’t work. (I tooled around in customize, after I wrote this and found: that the following bit (in custom-set-variables) to help, bunches:)

'(org-refile-use-outline-path (quote file))

When I want to refile something, I think to myself “it should go to x file, under which heading, hrm… lets see what’s there…” And my options are presented to me in [Heading]/ ( format. The problem is that org is thinking backwards from me, and as a result I end up miss-filing things, or not using the refile as much as I should because it doesn’t really work for me. Hrm. Not sure how to hack this.

In anycase, back to working.

things I hate about the internet

In light of my otherwise fried state of mind, I would like to present a list of things that I dislike. Because I’m snarky like that.

  • HTML emails. I’ve yet to send or receive an email that really requires rich text formatting provided by HTML emails. While multi-part emails (which send multiple copies of the same email in rich and plain text) are a good thing, it’s a huge pain in the ass to get an email (particularly a long email) three times, just for the pleasure.
  • Sites that recreate twitter without adding any useful features or discussion. It’s as if the dimwitted internet people said “holy shit, if we give people 140 characters to say banal things on our site maybe we’ll get traffic like twitter,” except this isn’t how the internet has ever worked (or worked well.)

Facebook is coming out with “usernames,” I’ve gotten an invitation to microblog on niche-social networking site, and everyone seems hard set on reimplementing this whole “status” thing a la twitter in the beginning, without any thought of interpretation (a la laconica) or doing something cool like jaiku-style threads, let alone the next big thing.

  • Malformed emails. Dudes. Sending a plain text email is really simple, there’s no excuse for it to look like your cat took a nap on the tab key. I’m not chiding anyone for neglecting to test every email “blast” they send (because I’d be that lazy) but I am chiding folks for not testing it once. Writing a text file and sending it isn’t that hard.
  • Reimplementation of email. I really hate getting facebook messages, and direct messages on [microblogging service], and each and every other fucking social networking site. Just send me email. Real email. It works, I have a good process for dealing with it, and I don’t have to screw around with anything. Thanks.
  • The Twitter Fail Whale. Dudes. There was a while about a year ago, when a bunch of geeks were sitting around and thinking, “you know this twitter technology is going to be really cool, and there are a lot of possibilities here,” and there were, and I suppose there still are, but the truth is that I see the fail whale several times every day, and most of the cool things that I wanted to see in twitter two years ago and then a year ago (real xmpp support, track, federation, custom filtered feeds (a la LJ-style friends' filters),) still haven’t materialized. I think the addition of OAuth is a great thing, but it’s a baby step.
  • The continued prevalence of IRC. Dudes discover jabber/xmpp. Thanks. A while back, I had a lot of nostalgia for IRC, and its true that IRC has a lot of history and is a standard to be reckoned with, but jabber is so much more elegant, secure, and provides features (persistence, logging, independence, etc) without having net-splits and complicated ad hoc registration schemes.

That’s all for now. What do you hate about the internet?

how helvetica changed my life

I watched the Helvetica movie a few weeks back and I wanted to say, friends, it changed my world.

For those of you haven’t heard about Helvetica, which I suspect covers most of you (however, I suspect more of you have heard/seen this movie than the general public, because I think you all are just that cook. at any rate,) it’s a documentary that covers design, typography, modernism, post-modernism, and contemporary trends in art/design, all vis a vis the now-52-year-old typeface “Helvetica” which had a profound impact on the last half-century of visual culture.

For real. 90 minutes of a movie about a font face.

And you think this might be boring or get old after a while, but somehow it doesn’t. And not only does it not get old, it soaks into your perceptions for a long time afterwords.

The thing about helvetica, perhaps its largest strength, is that it blends into the background, that it’s value-neutral, and that it is all over the freakin' place. Seriously. The side effect of this is that we don’t end up “seeing” it very much, and the movie shines a light on Helvetica and suddenly I’ve found it possible to see it everywhere. Everywhere.

And if nothing else, I think its sort of cool to be able to see differences and depths in this thing that sort of exists to be neutral. So that’s cool.

And. That’s about it.

Stop looking at me like that.

on git: in two parts

A post about the distributed version control system “git” in two parts.

Part One: Git Puns

My buddy madalu and frequent commenter here posted a few weeks ago the following notice:

#ubuntu-one… No thanks! I’ll stick with my home-brewed git + server + usb drive solution. My git repos breed like rabbits!

Which basically sums up my opinion on ubuntuone. But I thought that the “my git repos breed like rabbits” was both accurate (git repositories are designed to be replicated in their entirety), and a sort of funny way to put it. And being the kind of person that I am, I decided to see what other (potentially dirty) puns I could make about git. Here’s what I came up with:

what did one git repo say to another git repo? pull my diff

what did mama git say when she found her remote in his room making new branches? octopus merge this instant!

what did one git remote say to entice another remote to branch? it’s ok we can just tell them we were cherry picking later.

what did dr. git say when a repo complained of bloating? git gc

I should point out that these four puns all demonstrate a factual feature of git, though the “pull my diff” isn’t exactly what happens.

“Octopus Merge” is the method that git uses when there are a lot of divergent branches (more than three) that need to be merged together. Similarly “cherry picking” is a way to manually select what changes get merged together if you’re not ready to do full merges, and git gc is the cleanup script that goes through and re-compresses and prunes the database so that your repo works faster and with less disk space.

Anyway, I’m out of puns, you all are welcome to join in.

Part Two: Atypical uses of Git.

I’m sure I’ve written a bunch here about how I’m not really a programmer, and while this is true I do use git a lot. In part I think this is because git is really mostly an ad-hoc file system and also given how I write, the kind of writing I do isn’t that different from programming.

So aside from storing my writing projects, and my orgmode, I do things like store all of my mail directories in git. Which you might think is kind of weird, but the truth is that it makes keeping lots of computers in sync a rather simple proposition, and its damn fast.

I also have a directory I call “garen” (but used to call “main”) that is basically my home directory. It has all my emacs lisp files, most of my non-mail related scripts, various configuration files. and so forth. It started out as a backup and workspace for smaller projects, but it’s since morphed into “that one thing I need to have of my computer in order to actually work.” When I was setting up the server it took a thousand things that might have been huge headaches and made them non-issues. Here’s what this repo looks like:

  • emacs/ This is where my emacs-lisp files all live. I have a ‘init.el’ file which is basically the standard .emacs file, and a ‘gui-init.el’ file for code that I only want to run if I’m running desktop where I’ll be running non-console emacs frames. As a result on my machines my .emacs file looks like this: :

    (load "~/garen/emacs/gui-init.el")
    (load "~/garen/emacs/init.el")

    With the first line commented out if needed. End result, emacs loads the same everywhere, no thinking.

  • scripts/ I add this to my path, so that any little bit of bash script that I want to be able to use is accessable and the same on all my machines.

  • configs/ Generally my format is to have config_file.machine_name, for example: bashrc.leibniz. In the case of the bashrc, I have a “.common” file that has everything that all my machines need, while the machine specific files have everything that’s… well specific, and a source statement for the common file. So my “real” .bashrc looks like this: :

    source /home/tychoish/garen/configs/bashrc.leibniz

    And everything stays in sync between the machines. How cool is that.

That’s sort of the most important thing. The great thing is that this makes setting up a new user account on a server, or a box itself a piece of cake.

Food for thought!

midweek update

  • Monday morning, before I left St. Louis, the trash truck or something took out the phone line behind the house. The phone line which carries the internet. Sigh. So while I’ve been driving and have been somewhat out of touch, by the nature of this whole process, the fact that the internet died didn’t help things. Sorry for the lack of posts.
  • The midwest (particular the northern and parts that I’m most familiar) is, on the whole, incredibly boring to drive through. Not stunningly boring, but not that bad. By the time you get to eastern Ohio, however, things start to get interesting. The miles and miles of corn fields interspersed with the lone standing tree and occasional soybean crop--you know you’re in trouble when soybeans come as a refreshing change of pace--were replaced with rolling hills, mountains, and the like.

To make up for this, however, it did seem that they were doing a lot of construction/road repair for very little improvement. Parts of the eastern edge of the turnpike were actually pretty good: modern, pretty wide, in good repair; other parts, not so much.

Although, to be sure, heading east was much better than heading west. Better to get the bland out of the way first, and have something interesting at the end.

  • I met Chris for the first time, in the flesh. Dude. This requires it’s own sublist:
  1. I think the common perception is that things that happen in meatspace are somehow more authentic, and meaningful, and “real” than conversations that happen on line, and often I’d agree. While I’m certainly not complaining about the real-life experience, I do think that there are some distinct disadvantages:

    It’s hard to share links in meatspace, and so “hey I was reading this thing, here’s a link, and I thought that it was nifty and has implications for ____” becomes, not a stepping stone for another thought, but an exercise in “hell, I read something not that long ago and thought it seemed relevant.

    Chris and I tend to have these interleaved conversations where we’ll sort of drift through a few topics at once, and because at least in an ephemeral sort of way chats are logged, it’s hard to interrupt the other person, even if there are a couple of threads of quasi-related material on the table at once. Without the benefit of a running transcript you have to remember more and that’s weird, or at least it feels weird in this context. I’ll adjust I’m sure.

  2. On the whole, he is (and the occasion was) pretty much what I expected. I’ve had this theory about “how people turn out to really be in reality versus how they seem online,” which is that after enough time (months/years) it’s pretty hard to maintain any sort of ruse or false facade. Sure, people lie, and people lie in real life, but those amount to little surprises. Big surprises? Unlikely. That held true.

    The cats have been reasonably cooperative. They’re sort of scared of the outside, and were made nervous by the whole experience. Thankfully their response was to cower/sleep in the carrier and not make a lot of noise. I’m leaving them with M.N. in Philadelphia for a night or two while I secure digs for us in New Jersey.

    M.N. and I will have a couple of opportunities this weekend to do shape note singing. Woot!

    It’s nice to know that summer, even early summer, isn’t quite as brutal everywhere as it is in St. Louis (or the other places where I’ve (semi)recently spent my summers: Kansas City, Nashville, and St. Louis of course.) Between that and the Wisconsin winter tolerance, which hasn’t yet worn off, I think I have a freakishly broad temperature tolerance.

    Eastern time is weird. Though, at least for a little while, I like it because it sort of means that my body doesn’t quite get that it’s daylight savings time. And there are very few things that I hate more than daylight savings time.

And I think, that’s all the news that’s fit to print.

Edited to add: I’m going to continue such musing regarding my current state over on my live journal which seems the more appropriate venue for this kind of blathering. Real post tomorrow. I swear.

adventures in commerce

Because I’m moving soon (eep.) I’ve realized that we needed to get a new bed. See my existing bed--now, nearly ten years old--was wedged into the room in my parents house that it is currently in, with some force, and we very much doubt that said bed will ever be able to be removed, given the shape and location of the doorway.

Anyway, so I went to our local furniture store the other day to scope out and price mattresses and box-springs. This furniture store is this outlet-like store that’s pretty near to where my parents live, and over the past ten or twelve years we’ve gotten a fair number of things there, so much so that there’s a sales guy that recognizes my mother and I when we enter.

So we go in, and I try and make a b-line for the mattress section, when we were acosted by a very helpful sales guy (not our usual victim) and he hovered around telling us way too much about the inner workings of the mattresses, even after I tried to make it clear that: a) I wasn’t likely to buy the mattress today, b) I just wanted to feel where my price point was.

I should interject two things, one that I sleep on my stomach, and two that I tend to sleep with my feet hanging off the end of the bed.

So after a while of looking around and hoping that the dude would get the picture and leave me alone, he finally suggested that I try a particular bed out.

“Ok,” I said, and face planted side ways (so that I was running parallel to the imaginary headboard) onto a sort of mid-to-high end off-brand mattress. “Hey,” I said, after a moment, “That’s pretty good,”

“Uh,” he said, “Is that how you usually sleep on beds?”

I was speechless. Not only was he hovering but he was judging me for how I was laying down on beds. Now to be fair I don’t typically lay on beds cross-ways except for naps when I’m really tired, but still it seemed out of place, particularly since he’d been so accommodating and attentive henceforth.


job and updates

Deep Breath.

I have news for you all which I hope will explain my absence for the past 10 or 15 days. Actually I’m surprised that it’s only been 10 or 15 days, as it feels so much longer. Anyway, enough suspense:

I’ve accepted a position with Linode to work on (primarily) a really cool technical writing project. You can see the announcement here.

This is really awesome because:

  • It’s a job. Writing. About Linux, and Web Servers, and Free Software/Open Source.
  • Linode rocks. I applied for the job somewhat before I bought a linode, and I’ve been nothing but pleased with the service which has worked flawlessly for me so far. The best part, is I think that Linode’s approach to technology, to using and developing technology, really fits in with the kinds of values and approaches that I hold.
  • Did I mention it’s a writing job where I get to work with Linux and free software?
  • It puts me on the east coast, near Philadelphia, where the largest concentration of my non-College friends are located, which has me unbelievably excited. I’ll be able to gossip and dance with M.N. more than once a year; I’ll be able to hang out and with my emergency-backup-big-sister (H.C.) more often; it’ll be feasible to hang out with Chris you know ever and more. I’m so psyched.
  • Did I mention it’s a writing job where I get to work with Linux and free software?

The astute among you will thus, notice that:

  • New job elsewhere means relocation. Which means.
  • I’ve been busy doing all of the relocation things: packing, doing this and that’s, more packing, getting paperwork in order, even more packing, and so forth that I’ve not been really good at keeping on top of the blog. I have a couple of entries stashed, but my rhythm is all off kilter.
  • The job announcement has my real name in it. I have an abandoned a post or two about the whole tycho/sam thing. I should perhaps restart it. I think what I really need is this highly mythologized about page that talks about tycho and sam in different voices.

The truth is, that while I don’t think my reasons for using “tycho garen” these days is the same as it was 2.5 or 3 years ago, but I really like what I’ve done with the whole tycho thing, and I can’t really imagine not using it.

  • In a lot of ways, I think, writing this blog for so long is a lot of the reason why I was able to get this job, both because through the experience of writing about technology for the blog gave me the confidence/knowledge/skills that make this tech-writing thing I do possible, and also the blog I think served to demonstrate that I was for real.

This is related to another train of thought that I hope to follow up on in the next few months somewhere, but it strikes me that this, if anything is a marker of success that we’re not particularly prone to attending too. We notice successful blogs that get millions of visits a month and can support their authors on advertising revenue and invited speaking engagements. I think that I’ve achieved some kind of success here, and there are other kinds of success to be had. I want to think about what this means. But first I want to sit with this.

I’ll be in touch, and I look forward to continuing this blog in this “next part” of my journey.


the evil corporations

I’ve been writing for weeks and weeks about co-ops, authentic exchange and commerce, the practice of openness and business models, and other related topics. Between the crashing economy, my ongoing contemplation of open source, and a new project that I’m almost ready to announce, thinking about the substance of economies and the power of economies to define other aspect of our social experience has seemed really appealing. And it has been.

I came across this article by Jason Stoddard a while back, and I’ve realized that I would be remiss in these posts, if I didn’t somehow tie it into writing and science fiction, and Stoddard’s post provides a great hook into this connection. He’s also, basically spot on right.

Interestingly, the beginning of this series grew out of my experiences reading Kim Stanley Robinson’s “Mars Trilogy,” which spent a lot of time (particularly in the last two volumes) contemplating corporations and capitalism. Indeed, in the Mars books, Robinson posits what some readers (without careful examination) might think of as the typical “evil mega-corporations.”

Though I think he succeeds at avoiding the traps of having as villains “scheming business people in suits,” by making sure that none of the executives appear in the stories. The closest we get to having a “corporate villain,” is a character who allies themselves with the corporations for personal advancement. The result is that, the corporations lumber around, always doing the wrong thing, always getting in the way of the main characters, but they never loose the extra-human nature of being corporations.

Maybe that’s part of the problem with writing fiction about corporations. Fiction tends to revolve around people and social systems of comprehensible complexity and corporations are shaped and steered by a great number of people, and there’s too much complexity in corporations to really capture accurately in fiction.

While Stoddard’s argument (Corporations exist to make money, they’re not evil by nature) is factually true and good advice to anyone writing ‘corporate drama’ fiction, I think writers (and the rest of us) might benefit from thinking about some other “nitty gritty” aspects of corporations. Just because corporations may be “generally a bad thing in the world,” difficult to write about, and “not simply evil for the purposes of fiction” nonetheless I think it is important to think about the social/political effect corporations and to write about them in fiction.

The following list is rough, and incomplete, and I encourage you all to help me out in comments!

  • Corporations have a few overriding drives: to grow, to make profit (both by minimizing expenses and by increasing revenue), and to continue to exist. All actions and strategies undertaken by corporations should make sense in context of one or more of these drives.
  • Corporate cultures are largely self selecting, so “radicals” in corporate settings are really unlikely, either because they’re likely to leave or because their self-interest eventually falls in line with the company’s interest.
  • Corporations employ huge numbers of people, but we can assume that the number of people at any given company doing things that support the main mission of a company but that aren’t “the thing the company does.” Phyisical Plant “things,” clerical tasks, human resources, “infrastructure,” operations/financial tasks, internal legal work, and so forth. Probably as much as a quarter or a third of the staff probably falls into one of these categories.
  • Corporations are rarely unilateral. Ever. They have many operations, many projects, many divisions, and thus can be resilient to things changing “around them.” This also means that coorporations are less likely to take umbrage at potentially threatening individuals and companies, than a single individual would in a similar situation.
  • Career advancement, in companies or elsewhere, generally happens to some greater or lesser extent by moving horizontally between companies rather than “through the ranks.”
  • The bigger the corporation the more specialized the roles of the workforce would tend to be.
  • For the most part, I think it safe to assume that most corporations don’t have a great deal of “classified” information, or information that’s heavily embargoed. This comes as a great blow to conspiracy theorists, but secrets are hard to keep with regards to projects that a lot of people need to know about, and if all the other things we know about corporations are true (size, attrition, etc.) “great secrets” are unlikely to remain great secrets for long.

In light of all these things I think there are a lot of opportunities for realistic story telling, but it’s not always so straight forward.

In anycase, I look forward to thinking about this some more with you.