2023  5

September  1

The Mid Career Shuffle

2023-09-20 · tychoish

August  4

The Most Forgotten CI Feature

2023-08-22 · tychoish

Reintroducing Grip

2023-08-17 · tychoish

New Go Module: tychoish/fun

2023-08-16 · tychoish

New Go Modules

2023-08-15 · tychoish

2022  30

November  2

Crafts at Scale

2022-11-11 · tychoish

Why Spinning?

2022-11-05 · tychoish

September  2

The Most Plain Knitting

2022-09-21 · tychoish

Isolation Reading

2022-09-19 · tychoish

July  3

Software Engineering for 2.0

2022-07-07 · tychoish

Systems Administrators are the Problem

2022-07-06 · tychoish

API Ergonomics

2022-07-05 · tychoish

June  9

Common Gotchas

2022-06-30 · tychoish

How to Choose a Programming Language

2022-06-29 · tychoish

Spheres of Alignment

2022-06-28 · tychoish

Easy Mode, Hard Mode

2022-06-23 · tychoish

Methods of Adoption

2022-06-22 · tychoish

Signs of Alignment

2022-06-21 · tychoish

Tips for More Effective Multi-Tasking

2022-06-16 · tychoish

Pave the On and Off Ramps

2022-06-15 · tychoish

Finding Alignment

2022-06-14 · tychoish

April  3

Against Testify

2022-04-19 · tychoish

emt – Golang Error Tools

2022-04-14 · tychoish

Rescoping the Engineering Interview

2022-04-12 · tychoish

March  4

Doubled Hat Pattern

2022-03-08 · tychoish

Current Work

2022-03-07 · tychoish

Emacs Stability

2022-03-03 · tychoish

The Emacs Daemon GTK Bug, A Parable

2022-03-01 · tychoish

February  7

Tips for Casting On a Sweater

2022-02-28 · tychoish

Cool Things in the Alliance Union Stories

2022-02-25 · tychoish

Opus Knitting

2022-02-22 · tychoish

The Perfect Sleeve

2022-02-21 · tychoish

Iterative Knitting

2022-02-10 · tychoish

Plain Knitting Ahead

2022-02-08 · tychoish

Knitting Catchup

2022-02-07 · tychoish

2021  39

April  6

Short Row Wrapping

2021-04-15 · tychoish

The Org Mode Product

2021-04-14 · tychoish

Docker Isn’t A Build System

2021-04-13 · tychoish

My Code Review Comments

2021-04-08 · tychoish

Sleeve Survey

2021-04-07 · tychoish

Values for Collaborative Codebases

2021-04-06 · tychoish

March  8

The One Page Brainstorm

2021-03-31 · tychoish

How to Become a Self-Taught Programmer

2021-03-30 · tychoish

Quarantine Knitting Television

2021-03-25 · tychoish

Knitting Gadgets

2021-03-24 · tychoish

Test Multi-Execution

2021-03-23 · tychoish

Pattern Fragment 4

2021-03-04 · tychoish

A Selection of Foutain Pen Recommendations

2021-03-03 · tychoish

Principles of Test Oriented Software Development

2021-03-02 · tychoish

February  11

Pattern Fragment 3

2021-02-25 · tychoish

Editor Themes

2021-02-24 · tychoish

Does Anyone Actually Want Serverless?

2021-02-23 · tychoish

The Kubernetes Cloud Mainframe

2021-02-18 · tychoish

Programming in the Common Lisp Ecosystem

2021-02-16 · tychoish

Pattern Fragment 2

2021-02-11 · tychoish

Knitting off the Cone

2021-02-10 · tychoish

How to Write Performant Software and Why You Shouldn’t

2021-02-09 · tychoish

Pattern Fragment 1

2021-02-04 · tychoish

Finished a Sweater

2021-02-03 · tychoish

Continuous Integration is Harder Than You Think

2021-02-02 · tychoish

January  14

Get More Done

2021-01-21 · tychoish

Lessons from the Knitting Hiatus

2021-01-20 · tychoish

Open Source Emacs Configuration Improvements

2021-01-19 · tychoish

Knitting Pictures

2021-01-18 · tychoish

Learning Common Lisp Again

2021-01-18 · tychoish

Pattern Fragment 0

2021-01-15 · tychoish

Reknitting Projects

2021-01-14 · tychoish

For and Against Garter Stitch

2021-01-13 · tychoish

Sweater Measurements

2021-01-12 · tychoish

Better Company

2021-01-08 · tychoish

Distributed Systems Problems and Strategies

2021-01-07 · tychoish

Yarn Thoughts: HD Shetland

2021-01-05 · tychoish

Epic Knitting

2021-01-04 · tychoish

Pandemic New Years

2021-01-01 · tychoish

2020  15

December  4

Sweater Backlog

2020-12-31 · tychoish

Towards Faster Emacs Start Times

2020-12-30 · tychoish

New Project: Gestalt Knitting

2020-12-29 · tychoish

Knitting Hiatus and Knitting Again

2020-12-28 · tychoish

September  1

Staff Engineering

2020-09-27 · tychoish

August  5

New Beginnings: Deciduous Platform

2020-08-30 · tychoish

Tycho Emacs Config Kit

2020-08-22 · tychoish

Pickle Quarantine

2020-08-16 · tychoish

Lazy Lentils

2020-08-04 · tychoish

Running Emacs

2020-08-03 · tychoish

July  4

Emacs and LSP Mode

2020-07-25 · tychoish

Common Lisp Grip, Project Updates, and Progress

2020-07-12 · tychoish

Common Lisp and Logging

2020-07-04 · tychoish

A Common Failure

2020-07-03 · tychoish

April  1

There’s No Full Stack

2020-04-26 · tychoish

2019  5

December  2

Experimental Sweater Pattern

2019-12-24 · tychoish

What is it That You Do?

2019-12-24 · tychoish

July  3

The Case for Better Build Systems

2019-07-20 · tychoish

Observation at Scale

2019-07-19 · tychoish

Citation Practices in Informal Writing

2019-07-18 · tychoish

2018  6

September  1

Things I Learned About Queues

2018-09-11 · tychoish

July  5

Non-Trad Software Engineer

2018-07-30 · tychoish

In Favor of an Application Infrastructure Framework

2018-07-27 · tychoish

Why Write

2018-07-26 · tychoish

Evergreen Intro

2018-07-25 · tychoish

Combating Legacy Code

2018-07-24 · tychoish

2016  6

November  5

Consciousness Rising

2016-11-24 · tychoish

Cache Maintence

2016-11-11 · tychoish

Deleuze and Grove

2016-11-10 · tychoish

Isolation and Ideology Change

2016-11-10 · tychoish

Shimgo Hugo

2016-11-06 · tychoish

July  1

Going Forward

2016-07-24 · tychoish

2015  8

November  2

Works In Progress

2015-11-08 · tychoish

Get a Grip

2015-11-01 · tychoish

September  1

Said on the Train

2015-09-04 · tychoish

July  1

Have a Gimlet: A Go JSON/HTTP API Toolkit

2015-07-26 · tychoish

February  3

A New Era

2015-02-26 · tychoish

Style Chameleon

2015-02-25 · tychoish

Knitting and Programming

2015-02-24 · tychoish

January  1

Brunch Plans

2015-01-03 · tychoish

2014  18

December  1

Deep Dark Piles

2014-12-30 · tychoish

November  1

As You Mean to Go On

2014-11-24 · tychoish

May  3

Writing More Again

2014-05-18 · tychoish

Fabric Complexity

2014-05-11 · tychoish

Best Practice Practices

2014-05-10 · tychoish

April  2

Common Lisp Scripts

2014-04-19 · tychoish

Common Lisp Progress

2014-04-06 · tychoish

March  1

Learning Problems

2014-03-02 · tychoish

February  6

Documentation Inheritance

2014-02-23 · tychoish

Rambling about a Bug

2014-02-22 · tychoish

Python Concurrency Rant

2014-02-21 · tychoish

Write Sane Software

2014-02-21 · tychoish

Structure, Documentation, and Poetry

2014-02-17 · tychoish


2014-02-08 · tychoish

January  4

The First Ankle Sock

2014-01-20 · tychoish

The Perfect Rib

2014-01-18 · tychoish

A Knitting Practice

2014-01-09 · tychoish

2013 Reflections

2014-01-01 · tychoish

2013  33

December  1

Static Site Compiler Design Notes

2013-12-15 · tychoish

November  2

Buildcloth v0.3 Planning

2013-11-24 · tychoish

Documentation Tooling

2013-11-09 · tychoish

September  3

Large Sphinx Deployments

2013-09-28 · tychoish

Buildcloth v0.2.0 Release

2013-09-08 · tychoish

Uphill Forever

2013-09-08 · tychoish

August  2

Hard is Good

2013-08-04 · tychoish

The Hard Part of Software

2013-08-03 · tychoish

July  4

Topic Based Authoring Failure

2013-07-21 · tychoish

Build Stages

2013-07-20 · tychoish

On Generic Build Systems

2013-07-19 · tychoish

Micro Events

2013-07-02 · tychoish

May  1

Weekend Accomplishments

2013-05-05 · tychoish

April  3

New Knitting Project: Cardigan

2013-04-08 · tychoish

While I’ve Been Gone…

2013-04-05 · tychoish

Doing versus Talking

2013-04-02 · tychoish

March  5

Buildcloth Release, No. 1

2013-03-30 · tychoish

On My Return to Blogging

2013-03-30 · tychoish

Delegated Build Questions

2013-03-26 · tychoish

Build Woes

2013-03-25 · tychoish

Delegated Builds

2013-03-24 · tychoish

February  3

git raspberry

2013-02-24 · tychoish

New Knitting Project: Ballstown

2013-02-09 · tychoish

Sphinx Caveats

2013-02-08 · tychoish

January  9

Stability is a Crutch

2013-01-23 · tychoish

Markdown Standardization

2013-01-20 · tychoish

On Installing Linux

2013-01-08 · tychoish

Three Way Merge Script

2013-01-05 · tychoish

Today’s Bottleneck

2013-01-04 · tychoish

Github without Github

2013-01-02 · tychoish

Knitting Shopping

2013-01-02 · tychoish

Sweater Evolutions

2013-01-02 · tychoish

Documentation Maximalism

2013-01-01 · tychoish

2012  49

December  4

Information Debts

2012-12-18 · Kleinman

Novel Automation

2012-12-11 · tychoish

Programming Tutorials

2012-12-10 · tychoish

Project Orientation

2012-12-02 · tychoish

November  2

imenu for Markdown

2012-11-25 · tychoish

Practical Branch Layout

2012-11-17 · tychoish

October  1


2012-10-08 · tychoish

September  1

Denormalize Access Control

2012-09-24 · tychoish

August  10

Taxonomic Failure

2012-08-27 · Kleinman

Work Logging

2012-08-19 · tychoish

In Favor of PDF

2012-08-17 · tychoish

Announcement Cycle

2012-08-14 · Kleinman

Free the Work

2012-08-11 · tychoish

Coding Pedagogy

2012-08-10 · Kleinman

Winning Your Todo List

2012-08-10 · tychoish

Writing about Science Fiction Writing

2012-08-10 · tychoish

Writing about Technical Writing

2012-08-10 · tychoish

Documentation Rhetoric

2012-08-03 · Kleinman

July  3

ThinkPad x220 Review

2012-07-19 · tychoish

Emacs Thoughts + Some Lisp

2012-07-13 · tychoish

Analog Editing

2012-07-04 · tychoish

June  5

Collar Design

2012-06-27 · tychoish

Lazy Sunday

2012-06-24 · tychoish

Knitting Patterns

2012-06-22 · tychoish

In Favor of Fast Builds

2012-06-07 · tychoish

On Build Processes

2012-06-05 · tychoish

May  5

Computing Literacy Project

2012-05-31 · tychoish

The Editing Hole

2012-05-22 · tychoish

Git Feature Requests

2012-05-17 · tychoish

Limitiations of GitHub Forks

2012-05-10 · tychoish

Making Things Easier

2012-05-08 · tychoish

April  4

Distributed Bug Tracking

2012-04-30 · tychoish

2012 New Haven Singing

2012-04-20 · Kleinman

The Origins of Morris Dancing

2012-04-09 · tychoish

Lies About Documentation…

2012-04-05 · tychoish

March  4

NYC Subway Strategy

2012-03-29 · tychoish

The Million Words of Crap

2012-03-28 · tychoish

Loops and Git Automation

2012-03-15 · tychoish

Cron is the Wrong Solution

2012-03-08 · tychoish

February  5

Git In Practice

2012-02-21 · tychoish

Assisted Editing

2012-02-09 · tychoish

Allowable Complexity

2012-02-03 · tychoish

Persistent Emacs Daemons

2012-02-02 · tychoish

A Life Changing Laptop Riser

2012-02-01 · tychoish

January  5

2011 Retrospective

2012-01-26 · tychoish

Aeron Woes

2012-01-24 · tychoish

Documentation Emergence

2012-01-17 · tychoish

9 Awesome Git Tricks

2012-01-06 · tychoish

6 Awesome Arch Linux Tricks

2012-01-04 · tychoish

2011  121

December  11

Task Updates

2011-12-31 · tychoish

Update Pending

2011-12-27 · tychoish

Longer Forms

2011-12-23 · tychoish

Whiteness and Diversity

2011-12-22 · tychoish

Technical Writing Fiction

2011-12-21 · tychoish

Xen and KVM: Failing Differently Together

2011-12-20 · tychoish

Erstwhile Programmer

2011-12-15 · tychoish

Ikiwiki Tasklist Update

2011-12-12 · tychoish

Representation and Race Futurism

2011-12-08 · tychoish

The Future of File Organization and Security

2011-12-06 · Kleinman

Multi-Audience Documentation

2011-12-05 · tychoish

November  9

Knitting in Three Dimensions

2011-11-23 · tychoish

Intellectual Audience

2011-11-22 · tychoish

Minimalism Versus Simplicity

2011-11-21 · tychoish

Back to Basics Tasklist and Organization

2011-11-14 · tychoish

Cyberpunk Sunset

2011-11-10 · tychoish

Arranging Patterns for Sweater Design

2011-11-08 · tychoish

Constraints for Mobile Software

2011-11-07 · tychoish

Update Irregular

2011-11-04 · tychoish

Remote Accessibility/Reverse Tunneling/Super Dynamic DNS

2011-11-02 · tychoish

October  4

Teaching Writing Skills

2011-10-25 · tychoish

Is Dropbox the Mobile File System Standard

2011-10-18 · tychoish

Why you Don’t Want Programers to Write Your Documentation

2011-10-12 · tychoish

Overdue Update


September  7

Writing Software Beyond Emacs

2011-09-27 · tychoish

Android Tablets and the Workstations of the Future

2011-09-20 · tychoish

Publishing System Requirements

2011-09-19 · tychoish

Org Mode and Mobile Writing

2011-09-15 · tychoish

Tablet Interfaces and Intuition

2011-09-13 · tychoish

Issue Tracking and the Health of Open Source Software

2011-09-12 · tychoish

Is Android the Future of Linux?

2011-09-06 · tychoish

August  11

Advice for Blogging Successfully

2011-08-31 · tychoish

Update Rhythm

2011-08-30 · tychoish

Wiki Fiction and Critical Futures

2011-08-29 · tychoish

And Then I Broke Down and Got a Tablet

2011-08-25 · tychoish

New Sweater

2011-08-23 · tychoish

Science Fiction Reading Progress

2011-08-15 · tychoish

Micro-Entrepreneurship, Good Enough, and Crowd Sourcing

2011-08-09 · tychoish

Lately Review

2011-08-05 · tychoish

Managing Emacs Configuration

2011-08-05 · tychoish

Interfaces in Enterprise Software

2011-08-03 · tychoish

Create Better Task Items

2011-08-01 · tychoish

July  11

Cyborg Analysis and Technology Policy

2011-07-27 · tychoish

Mobile Productivity Challenges

2011-07-25 · tychoish

Links, Reviews, and Updates

2011-07-22 · tychoish

Ideal Sweater

2011-07-19 · tychoish

Better Task Lists

2011-07-18 · tychoish

Public Transit Information Overload: A Lesson

2011-07-12 · tychoish

Sweater Stories

2011-07-11 · tychoish


2011-07-08 · tychoish

Critical Practice

2011-07-07 · tychoish

Big Data Impact

2011-07-05 · tychoish

The Structured and Unstructured Data Challenge

2011-07-05 · tychoish

June  7

Are We Breaking Google?

2011-06-30 · tychoish

Make Emacs Better

2011-06-22 · tychoish

The Death of Blogging

2011-06-17 · tychoish

Never Ending

2011-06-15 · tychoish

Security Isn’t a Technological Problem

2011-06-08 · tychoish

These Shoes Were Made for Cyborgs

2011-06-06 · tychoish

Little Goals and Big Projects

2011-06-03 · tychoish

May  7

Methodology and Bootstrapping Intellectual Practice

2011-05-27 · tychoish

An Intellectual Practice

2011-05-25 · tychoish

Inevitable Returns

2011-05-23 · tychoish

Packaging Technology Creates Value

2011-05-10 · tychoish

New Feeds, Habits, and Jobs

2011-05-07 · tychoish

Career Pathways

2011-05-03 · tychoish

Moving the Furinture

2011-05-02 · tychoish

April  13

The Week that Was

2011-04-29 · tychoish

Poetry Has a Purpose

2011-04-28 · tychoish

Bad Org-Mode Habits

2011-04-26 · tychoish

Flaws with SSH

2011-04-25 · tychoish


2011-04-21 · tychoish

Changes and Resetting

2011-04-20 · tychoish

Leadership in Distributed Social Networks

2011-04-19 · tychoish

Breaks and Dodging Writer’s Block

2011-04-12 · tychoish

Progress Reports

2011-04-08 · tychoish

Talk Proposals

2011-04-06 · tychoish

Mutt Sucks Less

2011-04-05 · tychoish

Desks and Stationary Mobility

2011-04-04 · tychoish

Long Live the Tycho Wiki

2011-04-02 · tychoish

March  10

The Inevitability of Open Source

2011-03-31 · tychoish


2011-03-29 · tychoish

City Infrastructure

2011-03-17 · tychoish

Do You Read Philosophy?

2011-03-16 · tychoish

Professional Content Generation

2011-03-15 · tychoish

News, Fit to Sing

2011-03-14 · tychoish

Maple Morris Review

2011-03-11 · tychoish

Dance Flurry, Review

2011-03-08 · tychoish

Git Sync

2011-03-07 · tychoish

9 Awesome SSH Tricks

2011-03-01 · tychoish

February  16

How Hacker News and Social Editing has Jumped the Shark

2011-02-28 · tychoish

Java and Me

2011-02-23 · tychoish

Searching for Known Results

2011-02-22 · tychoish

Anti-Social Media

2011-02-17 · tychoish

Caring about Java

2011-02-15 · tychoish

Philosophy of the Present, Egypt

2011-02-15 · tychoish

The Rise and Fall of Netbooks

2011-02-14 · tychoish


2011-02-10 · tychoish

What We Learn from Wikileaks

2011-02-08 · tychoish

Learning Python

2011-02-07 · tychoish

:author: tychoish

2011-02-05 · tychoish

Creature of Habit

2011-02-03 · tychoish

The Ones that Stop at North Broad

2011-02-03 · tychoish

git readd and git aliases

2011-02-02 · tychoish

make all dexy

2011-02-01 · tychoish

Rule By Community

2011-02-01 · tychoish

January  15

Knitting Pattern Complexity

2011-01-26 · tychoish

Documentation isn’t Content

2011-01-25 · Kleinman

Specific Rhythms

2011-01-24 · tychoish

Infrastructure and Place

2011-01-23 · tychoish

Art Work

2011-01-21 · tychoish

Updates: Tech Writing and Wiki Gardening

2011-01-19 · tychoish

Dexy and Literate Documentation

2011-01-18 · Kleinman

Laptop Queuing System

2011-01-14 · tychoish

Link Storm

2011-01-14 · tychoish

Make All Novella

2011-01-14 · tychoish

Why The World is Ready for Dexy

2011-01-11 · tychoish

Wiki Blogging

2011-01-10 · tychoish

Upgrade SBCL and SLIME

2011-01-05 · tychoish

On Wireless Data

2011-01-04 · tychoish

Some New Years

2011-01-04 · tychoish

2010  105

December  13

Obsessive Knitting

2010-12-27 · tychoish

Other People’s Holidays

2010-12-25 · tychoish

Caffeine Dependence

2010-12-23 · tychoish

Almost Poetry

2010-12-21 · tychoish

New Technology

2010-12-21 · tychoish

Unfettered Monday

2010-12-20 · tychoish

Delicious Aftertaste

2010-12-18 · tychoish

Still Knitting

2010-12-17 · tychoish

The Magic of Vacation

2010-12-16 · tychoish

A Modest Blogging Proposal

2010-12-14 · tychoish

Against Open Stacks

2010-12-13 · tychoish

Sys Admin Legacies in Free Software

2010-12-09 · tychoish

Welcome to Tychoish Rhizomatics

2010-12-01 · tychoish

November  6

Ideology and Systems Administration

2010-11-30 · tychoish

Bitlbee, The Wrong Solution that Works

2010-11-23 · tychoish

Writing and Growing Professionally

2010-11-16 · Kleinman

Why Email Still Matters

2010-11-11 · Kleinman

Persistent SSH Tunels with AutoSSH

2010-11-09 · Kleinman

On Romance

2010-11-02 · tychoish

October  4

Knitting Resumed

2010-10-27 · tychoish

Phone Torched

2010-10-21 · tychoish

Running Multiple Emacs Daemons on a Single System

2010-10-13 · Kleinman

Sing the Shapes

2010-10-05 · tychoish

September  4

Key Git Concepts

2010-09-30 · Kleinman

It’s A Great Time To Be Alive

2010-09-22 · tychoish

Wikis are not Documentation

2010-09-14 · Kleinman

Technical Writing Appreciation

2010-09-09 · Kleinman

August  3

Covered In LaTeX

2010-08-31 · tychoish

Console Use for the Uninitiated

2010-08-13 · tychoish

Collaborative Technology

2010-08-05 · tychoish

July  7

Saved Searches and Notmuch Organization

2010-07-30 · tychoish

Gear Mongering

2010-07-27 · tychoish

Creating Useful Archives

2010-07-22 · tychoish

In Favor of Simple Software

2010-07-13 · tychoish

Focus and Context Switching

2010-07-08 · tychoish

Fan Fiction is Criticism

2010-07-06 · tychoish

The Overhead of Management

2010-07-01 · tychoish

June  6

Jekyll Publishing

2010-06-29 · tychoish

The Meaning of Work

2010-06-22 · tychoish

There’s Always Something New to Learn

2010-06-17 · tychoish

The Old Projects Project

2010-06-16 · tychoish

Jekyll and Automation

2010-06-08 · Kleinman

Organize Your Thoughts More Betterly

2010-06-02 · tychoish

May  7

The Schedule

2010-05-26 · tychoish

Knowing Mars, a Novella

2010-05-19 · tychoish

In Favor of Unpopular Technologies

2010-05-18 · Kleinman

The Worst Technologies Always Win

2010-05-13 · Kleinman

Who wants to be a PHP Developer?

2010-05-11 · Kleinman

Ease and The Stack

2010-05-06 · Kleinman

The Internet in Real Life

2010-05-04 · tychoish

April  11

Strategies for Organizing Wiki Content

2010-04-30 · Kleinman

A Git of One’s Own

2010-04-27 · tychoish

I want ZFS in the Kernel

2010-04-21 · tychoish

Why Open Source Matters

2010-04-20 · tychoish

Ritual, Velocity, and Getting Things Done

2010-04-15 · Kleinman

Objective Whatsis

2010-04-13 · Kleinman

Skill and Mastery

2010-04-12 · tychoish

Planned Obsolescence and Gadgets

2010-04-08 · tychoish

Content Management Beyond Wordpress

2010-04-07 · Kleinman

Installing Mcabber .10-rc3 on Debian Lenny

2010-04-05 · tychoish


2010-04-02 · tychoish

March  16

Enterprise Linux Community

2010-03-31 · tychoish

Analyzing the Work of Open Source

2010-03-30 · Kleinman

The Successful Failure of OpenID

2010-03-29 · tychoish

Common Lisp, Using ASDF Install With SBCL

2010-03-25 · tychoish

Why Cloud Culture Isn’t

2010-03-24 · tychoish

File System Metaphors

2010-03-18 · tychoish

Why Bother With Lisp?

2010-03-16 · tychoish

Where is Java Today?

2010-03-15 · tychoish

Things I’m Wiking On

2010-03-12 · tychoish

Input in the Next Wave

2010-03-10 · tychoish

If Open Source is Big Business Then Whither the Community?

2010-03-09 · Kleinman

Conceptualizing Scale

2010-03-08 · tychoish

Distance from the Divine

2010-03-05 · tychoish

Software as app Store

2010-03-03 · tychoish

Coming of Age In The Science Fiction Community

2010-03-02 · tychoish

The Things I’m Going To Do Today

2010-03-01 · tychoish

February  13

Kindle and Paradise Regained

2010-02-25 · tychoish

There’s a Widget for That

2010-02-24 · tychoish

Tumblr Killed the Tumblelog Star

2010-02-23 · tychoish

A Flurry of Contra Dance

2010-02-22 · tychoish

Simple Gifts

2010-02-17 · tychoish

Managing Management Costs

2010-02-16 · tychoish

System Design and Organization

2010-02-15 · tychoish

Some Future in your Science Fiction

2010-02-12 · tychoish

Git Tips for Writers

2010-02-10 · tychoish

iPad Reactions

2010-02-09 · tychoish

Status Update

2010-02-06 · tychoish

Putting the Wires in the Cloud

2010-02-04 · tychoish

Decreasing Emacs Start Time

2010-02-02 · tychoish

January  15

Winter Break in Reality

2010-01-29 · tychoish

Wikish and the Personal Public Wiki

2010-01-26 · tychoish

Independent Web Services

2010-01-25 · tychoish

Bash Loops

2010-01-21 · tychoish

git magic

2010-01-20 · tychoish

Beyond Lists in Org Mode

2010-01-19 · tychoish

The Two Year Sweater

2010-01-18 · tychoish

Beyond SQL and Database Technology

2010-01-15 · tychoish

Time Management

2010-01-13 · tychoish

Starting a Collaboration

2010-01-12 · tychoish

End User RSS

2010-01-11 · tychoish

The Blog, Next in Lisp

2010-01-07 · tychoish

Corporate Government

2010-01-06 · tychoish

Common Lisp, Practically

2010-01-05 · tychoish

Another One Already

2010-01-04 · tychoish

2009  243

December  18

The Care and Feeding of a Writer

2009-12-31 · tychoish

Thinking Like a Web Developer

2009-12-30 · tychoish

Reading Habits

2009-12-29 · tychoish

Three Predictions

2009-12-28 · tychoish

Web Frameworks

2009-12-23 · tychoish

Deleuze and the Utility of Materialism

2009-12-22 · tychoish

Perhaps Someday We’ll Call This Deleuzian

2009-12-21 · tychoish

We’ll Always Have Debian

2009-12-17 · tychoish

Poems are Made out of Words

2009-12-16 · tychoish

Getting the Most from Arch Linux

2009-12-15 · tychoish

Links on the Art of Techology

2009-12-14 · tychoish

Email is Still Broken, but at Least People are Talking

2009-12-10 · tychoish

How I’d Like to Be Notified

2009-12-09 · tychoish

Five. More. Things.

2009-12-08 · tychoish

Doing Wikis Right

2009-12-07 · tychoish

Notifications and Computing Contexts

2009-12-03 · tychoish

I Didn’t Write A Novel Last Month

2009-12-02 · tychoish

Window Sizes in Tiling Window Managers

2009-12-01 · tychoish

November  18

Of Dialectical Futurism

2009-11-30 · tychoish

Comfort Cheese

2009-11-27 · tychoish

Building the Argument

2009-11-24 · tychoish

I Am a Writer

2009-11-23 · tychoish

technology task list

2009-11-20 · tychoish

On Publishing

2009-11-19 · tychoish

Owning Bits

2009-11-18 · tychoish

The Web Application Layer

2009-11-17 · tychoish

Technology Update

2009-11-16 · tychoish

The Dangers of Consolidation

2009-11-13 · tychoish

On Wanting a Kindle

2009-11-11 · tychoish

Interview with Michael Pobega

2009-11-10 · Pobega

Industry, Community, Open Source

2009-11-09 · tychoish

Current Projects

2009-11-06 · tychoish

Interview with Angie Marshall

2009-11-05 · Marshall

Radicalism in Free Software, Open Source

2009-11-04 · tychoish

Package Mangement and Why Your Platform Needs an App Store

2009-11-03 · tychoish

Links on Technology, Blogging, and Emacs

2009-11-02 · tychoish

October  17

Updates and Recent Events

2009-10-30 · tychoish

Interview with Judy Stein

2009-10-28 · Stein

The End of Reusable Software

2009-10-27 · tychoish

The Tiling Window Manager Story

2009-10-22 · tychoish

Desktop Virtualization and Operating Systems

2009-10-21 · tychoish

podcamp philly

2009-10-20 · tychoish

Operating Systems and the Driver Issue

2009-10-19 · tychoish

Breaking up with the Web

2009-10-15 · tychoish

The Odd Cyborg Out

2009-10-15 · tychoish

Interview with Scott Farquhar

2009-10-13 · Farquhar

My Phone is Smarter Than Your’s

2009-10-12 · tychoish

Writing in the Moment

2009-10-09 · tychoish

Space is Really Big

2009-10-08 · tychoish

Interview with Ted Jackson

2009-10-06 · tychoish

shaped notes

2009-10-05 · tychoish

five fiction ideas

2009-10-02 · tychoish

Interview, Rich Russell

2009-10-01 · russell

September  19

The Next Wave and Independent Media

2009-09-30 · tychoish

Links on Post-Publishing, Gender, and Post-Humanism

2009-09-29 · tychoish

Links on Knitting, Emacs, Free Software, Cultural Studies, and the Future of Media

2009-09-28 · tychoish

On Frugality

2009-09-25 · tychoish


2009-09-24 · tychoish

five advancements

2009-09-23 · tychoish

In The Public Interest

2009-09-22 · tychoish

microsoft reconsidered

2009-09-21 · tychoish

the day wikipedia obsoleted itself

2009-09-18 · tychoish

Five By Five

2009-09-16 · tychoish

Praxis and Transformational Economics

2009-09-15 · tychoish

open source competition

2009-09-14 · tychoish

fact files

2009-09-10 · tychoish

writing like a programmer

2009-09-09 · tychoish

the mainframe of the future

2009-09-08 · tychoish

Ongoing Projects

2009-09-07 · tychoish

useful emacs and org-mode hacks

2009-09-04 · tychoish

return of five things

2009-09-03 · tychoish

Revolutionary Communities

2009-09-01 · tychoish

August  6

Free Software Misunderstood

2009-08-31 · tychoish

health care co-operatives

2009-08-28 · tychoish

Where Innovation Happens, Part Two

2009-08-26 · tychoish

venture capital and software

2009-08-25 · tychoish

Blogging Forms

2009-08-24 · tychoish

On Reading and Writing

2009-08-21 · tychoish

July  19

new about page

2009-07-31 · tychoish

personal desktop 2

2009-07-30 · tychoish

personal desktop

2009-07-29 · tychoish

stars in my torchwood pocket

2009-07-28 · tychoish

The Blog is Dead, Long Live the (micro)Blog

2009-07-24 · tychoish

are web standards broken

2009-07-23 · tychoish

infrastructural commerce

2009-07-21 · tychoish

technology as infrastructure, act three

2009-07-20 · tychoish

technology as infrastructure, act two

2009-07-17 · tychoish

technology as infrastructure, act one

2009-07-16 · tychoish

on public key encryption and security

2009-07-14 · tychoish

on package management

2009-07-13 · tychoish

why arch linux rocks

2009-07-10 · tychoish

distribution habits and change

2009-07-09 · tychoish

Multiple Computers and Singular Systems

2009-07-08 · tychoish

My Workstation Choices

2009-07-07 · tychoish

Fa Sol La

2009-07-06 · tychoish

New Workstation Trials

2009-07-03 · tychoish

Org Mode Pitfalls

2009-07-02 · tychoish

June  14

things I hate about the internet

2009-06-30 · tychoish

how helvetica changed my life

2009-06-29 · tychoish

on git: in two parts

2009-06-25 · tychoish

midweek update

2009-06-24 · tychoish

adventures in commerce

2009-06-19 · tychoish

job and updates

2009-06-17 · tychoish

the evil corporations

2009-06-15 · tychoish

the future of universities

2009-06-12 · tychoish

dweebishness of linux users

2009-06-10 · tychoish

a short story

2009-06-08 · tychoish

short story lenghts

2009-06-05 · tychoish

the dark singularity

2009-06-04 · tychoish

the future of content

2009-06-02 · tychoish

Midwest Morris Ale Round Up

2009-06-01 · tychoish

May  28

knitting progress ahoy

2009-05-29 · tychoish

canonical freedom and ubuntu one

2009-05-28 · tychoish

file system databases

2009-05-27 · tychoish

adventures in systems administration

2009-05-26 · tychoish

notes from the fast

2009-05-26 · tychoish

ale and notes

2009-05-22 · tychoish

land, institutions, and organization

2009-05-21 · tychoish

link collection

2009-05-20 · tychoish

free project xanadu

2009-05-19 · tychoish

tycho, happy birthday

2009-05-19 · tychoish

free and open terminology

2009-05-18 · tychoish

writing in org mode

2009-05-18 · tychoish

glitch and web experiments

2009-05-15 · tychoish

sustainable ecology

2009-05-14 · tychoish

co-op marriage

2009-05-13 · tychoish

database market

2009-05-13 · tychoish

Pragmatic Library Science

2009-05-12 · tychoish

free network businesses

2009-05-11 · tychoish

new awesome

2009-05-11 · tychoish

why tiling window managers matter

2009-05-08 · tychoish

The Obvious and the Novel

2009-05-07 · tychoish

Cooperatives, Competition, Openness

2009-05-06 · tychoish

martian economics

2009-05-06 · tychoish

lessons from fiction

2009-05-05 · tychoish

jaunty upgrade

2009-05-04 · tychoish

Post Bar Camp Dirrections

2009-05-03 · tychoish

Grasping For Straws

2009-05-02 · tychoish

happy mayday

2009-05-01 · tychoish

April  30

Lamenting Project Xanadu

2009-04-30 · tychoish

pass the quark

2009-04-29 · tychoish

reading trust

2009-04-29 · tychoish

Words Worth

2009-04-28 · tychoish

Futuristic Science Fiction

2009-04-27 · tychoish

reading progress

2009-04-27 · tychoish

Re-Rethinking GTD

2009-04-24 · tychoish

question, wool alternatives

2009-04-22 · tychoish

An Open Letter to the Jekyll Community

2009-04-21 · tychoish

Laptop Usage

2009-04-20 · tychoish

Do Y’all Use RSS?

2009-04-17 · tychoish

Treating Users Like Idiots

2009-04-17 · tychoish

Thinking about Git

2009-04-16 · tychoish

On Knitting Lace

2009-04-15 · tychoish

The State of the Discourse

2009-04-15 · tychoish

Open Source Words

2009-04-14 · tychoish

Browser Survey

2009-04-13 · tychoish

More on the Writing Habit

2009-04-13 · tychoish

fully jekylled

2009-04-11 · tychoish

Mobile Emacs

2009-04-10 · tychoish

Sex Writing

2009-04-10 · tychoish

Database Powered Websites

2009-04-09 · tychoish

Fact File Code

2009-04-08 · tychoish

Microblogging Aggregation

2009-04-08 · tychoish

Cooking Adventures

2009-04-07 · tychoish

A Jekylled Weekend

2009-04-06 · tychoish

Evening News

2009-04-03 · tychoish

Curation and Content Overload

2009-04-02 · tychoish

Wednesday Update

2009-04-02 · tychoish

Things to Learn in Emacs

2009-04-01 · tychoish

March  31

Contact, Cyberculture, and Samuel Delany

2009-03-31 · tychoish

knitting update

2009-03-30 · tychoish

Links and Old Habits

2009-03-30 · tychoish

After the Siege

2009-03-27 · tychoish

getting emacs daemon to work right

2009-03-27 · tychoish

Handling Data

2009-03-26 · tychoish

Critical Futures Futures and Curation Futures

2009-03-25 · tychoish

In Favor of Group Blogs and Efforts

2009-03-25 · tychoish

the debate over eBooks

2009-03-25 · tychoish

meta writing

2009-03-24 · tychoish

Announcements, geek stuff, guest blogging

2009-03-23 · tychoish

The Hard (GNU/Linux) Truth

2009-03-23 · tychoish

Week in Preview

2009-03-22 · tychoish

a working for loop

2009-03-20 · tychoish

teapot problem

2009-03-20 · tychoish

Writers that Changed My World

2009-03-19 · tychoish


2009-03-18 · tychoish

lisp-ing forward

2009-03-18 · tychoish

Fact File and Orbital Mechanics

2009-03-17 · tychoish

emacs blogging? me too? forward directions…

2009-03-16 · tychoish

keyboard review

2009-03-16 · tychoish

Site Revisions

2009-03-16 · tychoish

Todo List Bloat

2009-03-13 · tychoish

from the trenches

2009-03-11 · tychoish

The Advertising Bubble

2009-03-10 · tychoish

Pace Changing

2009-03-09 · tychoish

Agile Writing

2009-03-06 · tychoish

The Emacs Alert

2009-03-05 · tychoish

Scripting on the Internet

2009-03-04 · tychoish

Journal Entry

2009-03-03 · tychoish

Wordpress Limitations

2009-03-02 · tychoish

February  20


2009-02-27 · tychoish

Systems Review

2009-02-26 · tychoish

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis and Computer Programing

2009-02-25 · tychoish

widely synthetic

2009-02-24 · tychoish

Comitting From the Bottom Up

2009-02-23 · tychoish

org-mode snippets

2009-02-20 · tychoish

One True System

2009-02-19 · tychoish

Mobile Technology 2.0

2009-02-18 · tychoish

Dual Head Setup

2009-02-17 · tychoish

org system

2009-02-16 · tychoish

cat update

2009-02-13 · tychoish

tightening outlines #2

2009-02-12 · tychoish

of the system

2009-02-11 · tychoish

Integrated Writing Environment

2009-02-10 · tychoish

org mode

2009-02-09 · tychoish

information buckets

2009-02-06 · tychoish

mcabber and IM

2009-02-05 · tychoish

Open Source Userland

2009-02-04 · tychoish

Half Million

2009-02-03 · tychoish

Tightening Outlines

2009-02-02 · tychoish

January  23


2009-01-30 · tychoish

The Future of Critical Futures

2009-01-29 · tychoish

Blog Redesign

2009-01-28 · tychoish

Ethics of Free Software

2009-01-27 · tychoish

Knitting a Shawl

2009-01-26 · tychoish

On Laptoping

2009-01-23 · tychoish

git Collaboration

2009-01-22 · tychoish

ak! ah, dee me uhhh

2009-01-21 · tychoish

On Binge Writing

2009-01-20 · tychoish

Input Fetishes and Tool Quality

2009-01-19 · tychoish

Standards of Living

2009-01-16 · tychoish

Best of tychoish Posts

2009-01-15 · tychoish

Materialist SF

2009-01-14 · tychoish

GNU Screen

2009-01-13 · tychoish

novel progress

2009-01-13 · tychoish

3 Odd Properties of Blogging

2009-01-12 · tychoish

Digital Collections

2009-01-09 · tychoish

A Catalog of Open Source and Free Culture

2009-01-08 · tychoish

Monolithic Content Management

2009-01-07 · tychoish

Macbook Ubuntu

2009-01-06 · tychoish

Philosopher Kings

2009-01-05 · tychoish

Blog Refresh

2009-01-02 · tychoish

Happy New Years

2009-01-01 · tychoish

2008  384

December  27

Na Cragga, Sweater Update

2008-12-31 · tychoish

Code Importance

2008-12-30 · tychoish

Ideas in Science Fiction

2008-12-29 · tychoish

macbook linux: deleuze and guatteri

2008-12-26 · tychoish

On Not Being a Programer

2008-12-26 · tychoish

Is Somebody Having a Holiday on My Day Off?

2008-12-25 · tychoish

The Cathedral and the Bazaar Today

2008-12-24 · tychoish

A Cowl–(Knittting)

2008-12-23 · tychoish

Keeping Time with tycho

2008-12-22 · tychoish

A Day’s Work

2008-12-20 · tychoish

New Geeks

2008-12-19 · tychoish

Where Innovation Happens, Part One

2008-12-18 · tychoish

Productivity Blogging and Effectiveness

2008-12-17 · tychoish

Alarm Clock and Sleep Management

2008-12-16 · tychoish

Linux Emergence

2008-12-15 · tychoish

book progress

2008-12-13 · tychoish


2008-12-12 · tychoish

Coda’s Back!

2008-12-11 · tychoish

Theories of Change

2008-12-11 · tychoish


2008-12-10 · tychoish

Knitting Cables With Alice

2008-12-09 · tychoish

Technical Progress

2008-12-08 · tychoish

Tablet Modality

2008-12-05 · tychoish

Linux UI Tweaking

2008-12-04 · tychoish

Awesome Internationalization

2008-12-03 · tychoish

Bandwagon and Habits

2008-12-02 · tychoish

Tablet Adventure

2008-12-01 · tychoish

November  20

Reading Stuff

2008-11-28 · tychoish


2008-11-27 · tychoish


2008-11-26 · tychoish

Not Writing

2008-11-25 · tychoish


2008-11-24 · tychoish

consultant tycho

2008-11-21 · tychoish

N Plus One

2008-11-20 · tychoish

So. Tired.

2008-11-19 · tychoish

Stationed Conclusions

2008-11-18 · tychoish

Production Ready

2008-11-17 · tychoish

Freedom in Source

2008-11-14 · tychoish

In Real Time

2008-11-13 · tychoish

Wiki Completion

2008-11-12 · tychoish

The Siege

2008-11-11 · tychoish

Deep Computing

2008-11-10 · tychoish

Window Management

2008-11-07 · tychoish

Is there any there there?

2008-11-06 · tychoish

Long Threads

2008-11-05 · tychoish

Novel Writing in November

2008-11-04 · tychoish


2008-11-03 · tychoish

October  25

Editor Crisis

2008-10-31 · tychoish

The Big Push

2008-10-30 · tychoish

Geek Camp

2008-10-29 · tychoish

Sleeve Hell

2008-10-28 · tychoish

Mozilla of All Trades

2008-10-27 · tychoish

Awesome Projects

2008-10-24 · tychoish

Awesome Problems

2008-10-23 · tychoish

iPod Touch #2/Phone

2008-10-22 · tychoish

Awesome Thoughts

2008-10-21 · tychoish

Linux Update

2008-10-20 · tychoish


2008-10-17 · tychoish

Why Are we Still Using Passwords?

2008-10-16 · tychoish

Micro Blogging Review

2008-10-15 · tychoish

On Jabber/XMPP

2008-10-14 · tychoish

Drupal Camp Chicago

2008-10-13 · tychoish

Git Mail #3

2008-10-13 · tychoish

English Songsters

2008-10-10 · tychoish

Patterns as Stories

2008-10-09 · tychoish

A Needed Break

2008-10-08 · tychoish

Technical Hardware Update

2008-10-08 · tychoish

Cloud Computing

2008-10-07 · tychoish

Knitting Movement

2008-10-06 · tychoish


2008-10-03 · tychoish

All the Jazz That’s Fit to Print

2008-10-02 · tychoish

A Modest Proposal

2008-10-01 · tychoish

September  32

Open Source Work

2008-09-30 · tychoish

SEO Nonsense

2008-09-29 · tychoish

Linux Switching and Editors

2008-09-26 · tychoish

Blogging about Ideas

2008-09-25 · tychoish

Command Line Blog

2008-09-24 · tychoish

gentoo/vms suck

2008-09-24 · tychoish

Rethinking git-mail

2008-09-23 · tychoish

writing reports

2008-09-23 · tychoish

Work Mode for Mutt

2008-09-22 · tychoish

VMs For All

2008-09-19 · tychoish

On Scarcity

2008-09-18 · tychoish

Progress Report

2008-09-17 · tychoish

The Mutt of IM

2008-09-17 · tychoish

On Federation

2008-09-16 · tychoish

Open ID

2008-09-15 · tychoish

Percentage Error

2008-09-13 · tychoish

Dumb Terminals

2008-09-12 · tychoish

@sadiavt, microblogging

2008-09-11 · tychoish

Site Specific Browsers For the Win (eg, SSBFTW)

2008-09-11 · tychoish

On Pseudonymity

2008-09-10 · tychoish

Awesome Window Manager

2008-09-09 · tychoish

Micro Jabbering

2008-09-09 · tychoish


2008-09-08 · tychoish

Udder Cream

2008-09-08 · tychoish

Come to the Light

2008-09-07 · tychoish

Gender and Bodies

2008-09-07 · tychoish

Spinning Progress

2008-09-06 · tychoish

Open Source and Women’s Studies

2008-09-05 · tychoish

Welcome to Coda

2008-09-05 · tychoish

Future Knitting Project Ideas

2008-09-04 · tychoish

You Can’t Hack your Way to Freedom

2008-09-03 · tychoish

Knitting Update

2008-09-02 · tychoish

August  21

Git Mail

2008-08-29 · tychoish

Book Recommendations

2008-08-28 · tychoish

Writing and Research

2008-08-27 · tychoish

10 Shell Tips

2008-08-26 · tychoish


2008-08-25 · tychoish

The Things That Make Me Weak and Strange

2008-08-22 · tychoish

Writing Gay Characters

2008-08-21 · tychoish

On Drupal and Product Design

2008-08-20 · tychoish

American History

2008-08-19 · tychoish

V-Neck Shaping

2008-08-18 · tychoish

Story Development Process

2008-08-15 · tychoish

somewhat sublight

2008-08-14 · tychoish

Wiki Questions

2008-08-13 · tychoish

Short Fiction Goals

2008-08-12 · tychoish

Git Resources

2008-08-11 · tychoish


2008-08-08 · tychoish

New About Page

2008-08-07 · tychoish

Knitting Report

2008-08-06 · tychoish

iPod Touch Review

2008-08-05 · tychoish

Around We Go (spinning report)

2008-08-04 · tychoish

Pithy Writing Advice

2008-08-01 · tychoish

July  24

un-creative writing

2008-07-31 · tychoish

Camp Report #4 (final)

2008-07-29 · tychoish

Camp Report 3

2008-07-27 · tychoish

Camp Report #2

2008-07-26 · tychoish

Camp Report #1

2008-07-25 · tychoish

Of Email Filtering

2008-07-24 · tychoish

The Plan

2008-07-23 · tychoish

On the Purpose and Utility of Critique and Politics

2008-07-22 · tychoish

Long Hands

2008-07-21 · tychoish

Getting git

2008-07-18 · tychoish

Doing IRC right

2008-07-17 · tychoish

Look Up

2008-07-16 · tychoish

Blog Fiction Resources

2008-07-15 · tychoish

A Find

2008-07-14 · tychoish

Good Music

2008-07-11 · tychoish

Return to Knitting

2008-07-10 · tychoish

Ira Glass on Creativity

2008-07-09 · tychoish

Critical Stories

2008-07-08 · tychoish

Thomas Disch

2008-07-08 · tychoish

Critical Futures

2008-07-07 · tychoish

My Favorite Genre Tropes

2008-07-04 · tychoish

Pieces of the Data Puzzle

2008-07-03 · tychoish

Knitting Again

2008-07-02 · tychoish

Still Kittens

2008-07-01 · tychoish

June  27

news of the tycho

2008-06-30 · tychoish

Johnson or Bush?

2008-06-27 · tychoish

Against the No-Derivatives License

2008-06-26 · tychoish

The Kindle and Digital Distribution

2008-06-25 · tychoish

Compiler Model

2008-06-24 · tychoish

Writing Progress

2008-06-23 · tychoish

Mars Tag Cloud

2008-06-21 · tychoish

Reading Updates

2008-06-20 · tychoish

Data Management

2008-06-19 · tychoish

Latvain Dreaming Body and Gussets

2008-06-18 · tychoish

Kip and Merlin

2008-06-17 · tychoish

Post-Leopard Upgrade Reflections

2008-06-16 · tychoish

A Sign of How Much I Like you Joe

2008-06-14 · tychoish

Kip and Finn in Action

2008-06-14 · tychoish

A Video of my Cat

2008-06-13 · tychoish

Short Fiction Trials

2008-06-13 · tychoish

New Cats

2008-06-12 · tychoish

Screen Reading

2008-06-12 · tychoish

Metrics and New Media

2008-06-11 · tychoish

Where’s My Flying Car/Tablet Computer

2008-06-10 · tychoish

Keyboard Revolt

2008-06-09 · tychoish

Reasons Why I Love Science Fiction

2008-06-09 · tychoish

The Real History

2008-06-06 · tychoish

Characters and Tropes

2008-06-05 · tychoish

Other Daily Grind

2008-06-04 · tychoish

The Left Hand of Reading Report

2008-06-03 · tychoish

Knitting Malaise

2008-06-02 · tychoish

May  26

A Technology Note

2008-05-31 · tychoish

Ideas are Cheap?

2008-05-30 · tychoish

A Podium Of One’s Own

2008-05-29 · tychoish

Reasons Why the Ale Was Amazing

2008-05-28 · tychoish

Further Recovery

2008-05-27 · tychoish

A Program Note

2008-05-23 · tychoish

On Sexual Experience

2008-05-22 · tychoish

Grudgingly Successful

2008-05-21 · tychoish

Knitting for Real Women

2008-05-20 · tychoish

Another One

2008-05-19 · tychoish

remembrance of lost weeks

2008-05-17 · tychoish

Daily Grind

2008-05-16 · tychoish


2008-05-15 · tychoish

Latvian Dreaming Status 1

2008-05-14 · tychoish

Tea Review: Ahmad English Tea No. 1

2008-05-13 · tychoish


2008-05-12 · tychoish

Yep, Still Alive–Anniversaries

2008-05-10 · tychoish

Quickly Wiking Again

2008-05-08 · tychoish

Guesting Around

2008-05-07 · tychoish

Strategies for Upsizing

2008-05-06 · tychoish

In Sickness

2008-05-05 · tychoish

Tea Review: Yorkshire Tea

2008-05-05 · tychoish

Progress and Increasing

2008-05-03 · tychoish

Your field is…

2008-05-02 · tychoish

Cardigan Modifications

2008-05-01 · tychoish

Spinning News

2008-05-01 · tychoish

April  44

Casting on Fewer Stitches

2008-04-30 · tychoish

Of Stains and Yarn

2008-04-30 · tychoish

Refactoring and Linear Production

2008-04-29 · tychoish

The Bottom Edge

2008-04-28 · tychoish

Up and Coming

2008-04-28 · tychoish

Latvian Dreaming

2008-04-25 · tychoish

Leadership and Democracy

2008-04-25 · tychoish

Linkdump and Program Notes

2008-04-25 · tychoish

Sweater Project Clarifications

2008-04-24 · tychoish

Tea Accessories

2008-04-24 · tychoish

Anyone up for a Sweater Knit Along?

2008-04-23 · tychoish

Knit Along Links

2008-04-23 · tychoish


2008-04-22 · tychoish

Misguided Creativity

2008-04-21 · tychoish

didn’t get in

2008-04-20 · tychoish

project shift

2008-04-20 · tychoish

Spinning Tag

2008-04-19 · tychoish

Moving Forward

2008-04-18 · tychoish

double drive

2008-04-16 · tychoish


2008-04-15 · tychoish


2008-04-15 · tychoish


2008-04-13 · tychoish

consumerism and tea

2008-04-11 · tychoish

Twitter Sing Alongs

2008-04-10 · tychoish

Cranberry Choclate Cereal

2008-04-09 · tychoish

Pickwick English Tea Blend

2008-04-09 · tychoish

Unite and Unite

2008-04-09 · tychoish

how do anxious people have time for anything

2008-04-08 · tychoish

media consumption

2008-04-07 · tychoish

Mitten (sweater) Progress

2008-04-07 · tychoish

third time’s the charm

2008-04-07 · tychoish

Spinning Mishap

2008-04-06 · tychoish


2008-04-06 · tychoish

waitlist update

2008-04-06 · tychoish


2008-04-05 · tychoish

Tea Fetish

2008-04-05 · tychoish

meanwhile, in the real world

2008-04-04 · tychoish

the internet run dry

2008-04-04 · tychoish

Reverse Knitting Engineering

2008-04-03 · tychoish


2008-04-03 · tychoish

Copying Left

2008-04-02 · tychoish

Mitten Sweater

2008-04-02 · tychoish

a humble guest

2008-04-01 · tychoish

Vim Resources

2008-04-01 · tychoish

March  44

fitting in

2008-03-31 · tychoish

Now, Without a Net

2008-03-31 · tychoish

Don’t Get it Right, Get it Read

2008-03-30 · tychoish

Tag Lines

2008-03-30 · tychoish


2008-03-29 · tychoish

Pattern Terms

2008-03-29 · tychoish

karma call

2008-03-28 · tychoish

not dead

2008-03-27 · tychoish

Tech Stubbornness

2008-03-26 · tychoish

Which Way is Up?

2008-03-26 · tychoish

knitting business

2008-03-25 · tychoish

Knitting Goal Schedule

2008-03-25 · tychoish

A Start

2008-03-24 · tychoish

Fisherman’s Sweaters Blog

2008-03-23 · tychoish

loose ends

2008-03-23 · tychoish

bad guys

2008-03-22 · tychoish

Mitten Sweater

2008-03-22 · tychoish


2008-03-21 · tychoish

append function

2008-03-20 · tychoish

audience and community

2008-03-20 · tychoish

munging text

2008-03-20 · tychoish

New Knitting Project

2008-03-19 · tychoish

Ad Hoc Solutions

2008-03-18 · tychoish


2008-03-18 · tychoish

Overheard, Quotes

2008-03-18 · tychoish

born to run

2008-03-17 · tychoish

Tea Review: Ahmad Tea’s English Breakfast

2008-03-17 · tychoish

Huntsman’s Hornpipe

2008-03-16 · tychoish


2008-03-14 · tychoish


2008-03-13 · tychoish


2008-03-12 · tychoish

anger, productively

2008-03-11 · tychoish

breaking news

2008-03-11 · tychoish

cat names

2008-03-11 · tychoish

fall back

2008-03-10 · tychoish

writing writing

2008-03-10 · tychoish

from the hills

2008-03-08 · tychoish


2008-03-08 · tychoish

still progress

2008-03-07 · tychoish


2008-03-06 · tychoish

fielding tales of the city

2008-03-05 · tychoish


2008-03-03 · tychoish


2008-03-02 · tychoish


2008-03-01 · tychoish

February  36


2008-02-29 · tychoish

Knitting Update

2008-02-29 · tychoish

A New Playlist

2008-02-28 · tychoish


2008-02-28 · tychoish

another door

2008-02-27 · tychoish

Pros and Cons

2008-02-27 · tychoish

New Laptop

2008-02-26 · tychoish

Open Source Research

2008-02-26 · tychoish

a posteri

2008-02-25 · tychoish


2008-02-25 · tychoish

restaging conflicts

2008-02-23 · tychoish


2008-02-22 · tychoish

First and Last Trip Update

2008-02-21 · tychoish

The Old Changing Way

2008-02-21 · tychoish

Marking Time

2008-02-20 · tychoish


2008-02-19 · tychoish

Starting Fresh

2008-02-19 · tychoish

Breakout: Messages Lost

2008-02-18 · tychoish

Reading Again

2008-02-18 · tychoish

versatile heart

2008-02-17 · tychoish

different modes

2008-02-16 · tychoish


2008-02-16 · tychoish


2008-02-15 · tychoish


2008-02-14 · tychoish


2008-02-14 · tychoish

A New Feeling

2008-02-12 · tychoish

More Snow

2008-02-11 · tychoish

Weekend Update

2008-02-10 · tychoish

Friday night dump

2008-02-08 · tychoish

Sally Free and Easy

2008-02-07 · tychoish

Wedndesdy Checkin

2008-02-07 · tychoish

Now, Six

2008-02-05 · tychoish

Morning, Monday

2008-02-04 · tychoish

Editing Hell

2008-02-03 · tychoish

links for feburary first

2008-02-01 · tychoish

the object oriented novel

2008-02-01 · tychoish

January  58

Addendum, cosmic

2008-01-31 · tychoish


2008-01-31 · tychoish

Supplemental List

2008-01-30 · tychoish


2008-01-29 · tychoish

New and Old TealArt

2008-01-29 · tychoish

Sublimation Error

2008-01-28 · tychoish


2008-01-27 · tychoish

Story Modules

2008-01-27 · tychoish

Brain Check

2008-01-26 · tychoish


2008-01-25 · tychoish

Drive Brain

2008-01-25 · tychoish

Knits For Sale

2008-01-24 · tychoish

List Ignorance

2008-01-24 · tychoish

More Caf Please

2008-01-23 · tychoish

Norway Sweater

2008-01-23 · tychoish


2008-01-22 · tychoish

Things I’ve Forgotten to pack

2008-01-22 · tychoish

Change Up

2008-01-21 · tychoish

Leopard Yearnings, Update

2008-01-21 · tychoish


2008-01-19 · tychoish

Sweater Report: Norge Pullover

2008-01-19 · tychoish


2008-01-18 · tychoish

Switch. Switch, Switch.

2008-01-18 · tychoish

working systems decay

2008-01-17 · tychoish

In the Air

2008-01-16 · tychoish

Knit the Knits

2008-01-16 · tychoish

shifting progress

2008-01-16 · tychoish


2008-01-15 · tychoish

Cold Feet, Literally

2008-01-14 · tychoish

getting mad foo skilz

2008-01-14 · tychoish

imp - os - ter

2008-01-14 · tychoish

things I’ve thought about posting, but haven’t

2008-01-13 · tychoish

Sleeve Alternation

2008-01-12 · tychoish

Fall of Space Opera

2008-01-11 · tychoish

full thoughts

2008-01-11 · tychoish

Mgphhhh Words…

2008-01-10 · tychoish


2008-01-10 · tychoish

Knit Toys

2008-01-09 · tychoish

Notes Before I Sleep

2008-01-09 · tychoish


2008-01-09 · tychoish


2008-01-08 · tychoish

having words

2008-01-07 · tychoish

I’m Not Knitting This

2008-01-07 · tychoish

Line Length

2008-01-07 · tychoish

Big Fish, Small Fish: RSS feeds

2008-01-06 · tychoish

It’s the Little Things

2008-01-06 · tychoish


2008-01-05 · tychoish

Review Today

2008-01-05 · tychoish

The Rift

2008-01-05 · tychoish


2008-01-04 · tychoish


2008-01-04 · tychoish


2008-01-04 · tychoish

Markers of Progress

2008-01-03 · tychoish

Running in VR

2008-01-03 · tychoish

Reading and Rereading

2008-01-02 · tychoish


2008-01-02 · tychoish


2008-01-01 · tychoish

Right Foot Start

2008-01-01 · tychoish

2007  485

December  45

A Sense of Wonder

2007-12-31 · tychoish

new year

2007-12-31 · tychoish

Wolf 424

2007-12-31 · tychoish


2007-12-30 · tychoish

back and forwards

2007-12-29 · tychoish

due credit

2007-12-29 · tychoish


2007-12-29 · tychoish


2007-12-28 · tychoish


2007-12-28 · tychoish

home again

2007-12-27 · tychoish

post-happy merry

2007-12-26 · tychoish


2007-12-23 · tychoish

Social Network

2007-12-23 · tychoish


2007-12-22 · tychoish

On The First Day

2007-12-21 · tychoish

5 Things that __________

2007-12-20 · tychoish

Status Report

2007-12-20 · tychoish


2007-12-19 · tychoish


2007-12-19 · tychoish


2007-12-18 · tychoish


2007-12-18 · tychoish

Hate Email

2007-12-17 · tychoish


2007-12-17 · tychoish

Brain Spaz and Fiber

2007-12-16 · tychoish

Turkish Knits

2007-12-14 · tychoish

5 Things you don’t need available as an RSS feed

2007-12-13 · tychoish


2007-12-13 · tychoish


2007-12-12 · tychoish

Feature Requests in a Mail Application

2007-12-11 · tychoish

Measurable Progress

2007-12-11 · tychoish

Journaling Instinct

2007-12-10 · tychoish

Technology Annoyances

2007-12-10 · tychoish

5 Text Editors for OS X

2007-12-09 · tychoish


2007-12-09 · tychoish

Long Live TealArt

2007-12-09 · tychoish

Big Projects

2007-12-08 · tychoish

One of Four

2007-12-08 · tychoish

5 absurd phases used in the descripton of tea flavors.

2007-12-06 · tychoish

5 lies you tell yourself at the end of a semester.

2007-12-05 · tychoish

Taking Cream

2007-12-05 · tychoish

5 transitional phrases most often used to describe your academic interests.

2007-12-03 · tychoish

Another Cup of Tea

2007-12-03 · tychoish

Episodes in Oddity

2007-12-03 · tychoish

Weekend Update

2007-12-02 · tychoish

5 Epidemiological Relatives of emacs pinky

2007-12-01 · tychoish

November  62

5 things I’m not knitting now

2007-11-30 · tychoish

Done Knitting

2007-11-30 · tychoish


2007-11-30 · tychoish

Never Swatch!

2007-11-30 · tychoish

OS Wars

2007-11-29 · tychoish

Slow on the Uptake

2007-11-29 · tychoish

5 Conventions for Naming Characters in Sci-fi stories.

2007-11-28 · tychoish

Can’t you Smell the Stress

2007-11-28 · tychoish

Missing: One Brain, Fair Condition.

2007-11-28 · tychoish

tycho garen is blogging

2007-11-27 · tychoish

tycho garen, blogger

2007-11-27 · tychoish

5 Ways to Be a Better Internet Stalker

2007-11-27 · tychoish

Queer By Choice

2007-11-26 · tychoish

Academic Monday

2007-11-26 · tychoish

Queer Studies in Development

2007-11-26 · tychoish

5 Things You Should Never Spin Yarn From

2007-11-25 · tychoish

Small Projects

2007-11-25 · tychoish

A Million Words of Crap

2007-11-24 · tychoish

Other Sport Sweaters

2007-11-24 · tychoish

Black Friday List

2007-11-23 · tychoish

Five Knit Stitches you don’t want to Eat

2007-11-23 · tychoish

No NaNo Follow Up

2007-11-23 · tychoish

Mars Orbit

2007-11-22 · tychoish


2007-11-22 · tychoish

5 things your cat thinks about your knitting.

2007-11-21 · tychoish

no na-no-wri-mo

2007-11-21 · tychoish

Five Reasons to Build a Hackintosh

2007-11-20 · tychoish

Open Letter to Academic Database Providers

2007-11-20 · tychoish

upgrades and funks

2007-11-20 · tychoish

5 things you can do in emacs that you really shouldn’t.

2007-11-19 · tychoish

Computer Troubles(?)

2007-11-19 · tychoish


2007-11-18 · tychoish

Five Knitting Memes That I Still Don’t Get

2007-11-18 · tychoish

Geek Speak

2007-11-18 · tychoish

Bad Index Card Joke

2007-11-17 · tychoish

Five Characters that Aren’t the Last Cylon on BSG

2007-11-17 · tychoish

Hark! A Break!

2007-11-17 · tychoish

of LaTeX

2007-11-17 · tychoish

New Font

2007-11-16 · tychoish

My Thoughts on Reading are…

2007-11-15 · tychoish

Long Stringy Bits

2007-11-14 · tychoish


2007-11-13 · tychoish

Report from the Trenches

2007-11-13 · tychoish

GRE Report

2007-11-12 · tychoish

Slight False Start…

2007-11-12 · tychoish

Logical Families, Part One

2007-11-11 · tychoish

Bad Queers

2007-11-10 · tychoish

Gauge Differences

2007-11-10 · tychoish

Saturday Night Thoughts

2007-11-10 · tychoish

Friday Knitting Notes

2007-11-09 · tychoish

Back in the Saddle

2007-11-08 · tychoish

Asus Claims Apple Tablet Is Real

2007-11-06 · tychoish

Looking Forward

2007-11-06 · tychoish

Television to Knit by

2007-11-06 · tychoish

Constrained Creativity

2007-11-05 · tychoish

Sweater Review

2007-11-05 · tychoish

Fantasy and Science Fiction

2007-11-04 · tychoish

Knitting in November

2007-11-04 · tychoish

Things that Make Me Smile

2007-11-04 · tychoish

November Beginings

2007-11-03 · tychoish

Missing Mashup

2007-11-02 · tychoish

Two Bits of Theory

2007-11-02 · tychoish

October  40

Empty Tea Bags

2007-10-31 · tychoish


2007-10-31 · tychoish


2007-10-30 · tychoish

Observations for 30 October 2007

2007-10-30 · tychoish

Almost There!

2007-10-29 · tychoish

…30 of us and no RSS…

2007-10-28 · tychoish

Knitting and Horseradish

2007-10-28 · tychoish


2007-10-27 · tychoish

Cyberpunk in the 21st Century

2007-10-26 · tychoish

GRE Scheduled

2007-10-25 · tychoish

Slogging Through

2007-10-25 · tychoish

Something Old and Something New and Something… Green?

2007-10-24 · tychoish

overheard in a conversation with theBoy

2007-10-23 · tychoish

Red Sweater of Doom

2007-10-23 · tychoish

Angst and Shawl

2007-10-22 · tychoish


2007-10-22 · tychoish

Home Improvements

2007-10-20 · tychoish

From the Depths…

2007-10-19 · tychoish

The End of the Internet (and Morroco)

2007-10-19 · tychoish


2007-10-18 · tychoish


2007-10-17 · tychoish

Moroco Knitting

2007-10-15 · tychoish

Morris Dances I Would Rather Be Doing:

2007-10-15 · tychoish

Outlining Notes

2007-10-14 · tychoish

Cat Dominance

2007-10-13 · tychoish

Experimental Psychology Software and OS X

2007-10-11 · tychoish

Galactic Empires

2007-10-11 · tychoish

TextMate/Spotlight Hack

2007-10-11 · tychoish

Epsilon Eridani

2007-10-09 · tychoish

Unexpected Genres/Thoughts on Discplanarity

2007-10-09 · tychoish

Act I

2007-10-08 · tychoish

Resting Weekend? Never

2007-10-06 · tychoish

Because Delany Rocks

2007-10-05 · tychoish

A Post-Mars List

2007-10-04 · tychoish

Knowing Mars

2007-10-04 · tychoish

Monkey on My Back

2007-10-03 · tychoish

Monkey Update

2007-10-03 · tychoish

King and tycho on the Short Story

2007-10-02 · tychoish

WordPress -> LiveJournal Crossposting

2007-10-02 · tychoish

It’s On Paper I Swear

2007-10-01 · tychoish

September  74

Future Consistancy

2007-09-29 · tychoish

The Endgame

2007-09-29 · tychoish


2007-09-29 · tychoish

…from the notebook

2007-09-27 · tychoish

Bottom to Top

2007-09-27 · tychoish

Tea Cups

2007-09-27 · tychoish

Email for the Uncommitted

2007-09-26 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting Conclusion

2007-09-25 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting Technology

2007-09-25 · tychoish

Life in YouTube

2007-09-24 · tychoish


2007-09-24 · tychoish

And Then There Were Six

2007-09-21 · tychoish

Writing Advice

2007-09-21 · tychoish

Laptops vs. Desktop

2007-09-20 · tychoish

New Fiction Projects (thoughts on monogamy)

2007-09-20 · tychoish

Version Control

2007-09-20 · tychoish

Current Knitting: Morocco

2007-09-19 · tychoish

Good Holiday to You Sir

2007-09-19 · tychoish

On Ubiquitous Capture of Ideas

2007-09-19 · tychoish

The Novella Project

2007-09-19 · tychoish

Breaking the Back of a Writing Project

2007-09-18 · tychoish

Knitting Post

2007-09-18 · tychoish

iPod Checksum Hacked

2007-09-17 · tychoish

Something old, Something New

2007-09-17 · tychoish

still smells like winter

2007-09-16 · tychoish

The Move to Open Source

2007-09-16 · tychoish

Where Have all the Blog Posts Gone

2007-09-15 · tychoish

How to use Bluetooth with Linux

2007-09-14 · tychoish

Morning Rundown

2007-09-14 · tychoish

Test Taking Strategies

2007-09-14 · tychoish

The Career Meme

2007-09-14 · tychoish

Knitting Reduction

2007-09-13 · tychoish

Mail.app Exporting

2007-09-13 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting: Particpation

2007-09-13 · tychoish

Fall Leaves

2007-09-12 · tychoish

Gibson on the future and Science Fiction

2007-09-12 · tychoish

Of Subversion (for Personal Files)

2007-09-12 · tychoish

Thoughts on Tenure Systems

2007-09-12 · tychoish

Gendered Bodies

2007-09-11 · tychoish

Mail.app Export in OS X

2007-09-11 · tychoish

Open-Source Knitting: Free Commericalism

2007-09-11 · tychoish

Reasons to Write Fiction in Markdown

2007-09-11 · tychoish

Todays in Review

2007-09-11 · tychoish

Acorn: Image Editing for the New World

2007-09-10 · tychoish

New Growl Notifications for OS X

2007-09-10 · tychoish

TealArt, This Week

2007-09-10 · tychoish

How many Blog Posts?

2007-09-09 · tychoish

Being an Uber Blogger

2007-09-08 · tychoish

Failing Email: Rethinking

2007-09-08 · tychoish

Pseudonyms and Bitch, Ph.D.

2007-09-08 · tychoish

the right use for a thesaurus

2007-09-08 · tychoish

Commenting on Pavarotti dies at 71

2007-09-07 · tychoish

news on the fly

2007-09-07 · tychoish

Queer Moments

2007-09-07 · tychoish


2007-09-07 · tychoish


2007-09-06 · tychoish


2007-09-06 · tychoish

Novella Progress

2007-09-06 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting: Extending the Metaphor

2007-09-06 · tychoish

vim with your thumbs!

2007-09-06 · tychoish

new computer

2007-09-05 · tychoish

new ipods

2007-09-05 · tychoish

Notes from the Field

2007-09-05 · tychoish

Writing Pipeline

2007-09-05 · tychoish

Writing Pipeline on TealArt and WiFi Complaining

2007-09-05 · tychoish

knitting just wants to be free

2007-09-04 · tychoish

Michael Tolliver Lives

2007-09-04 · tychoish

morning people

2007-09-04 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting: Open Kniting

2007-09-04 · tychoish

why, that’s theft

2007-09-04 · tychoish

more yarn?

2007-09-03 · tychoish

The TA Chronicle

2007-09-03 · tychoish

Google Earth flight simulator

2007-09-02 · tychoish

google will never buy YouTube!

2007-09-02 · tychoish

August  72

Comparison: TealArt and tychoish

2007-08-31 · tychoish


2007-08-31 · tychoish

Podcasts to Listen to

2007-08-31 · tychoish

Being an Artist and Paying the Bills

2007-08-30 · tychoish


2007-08-30 · tychoish


2007-08-30 · tychoish

tealart TODO

2007-08-30 · tychoish


2007-08-29 · tychoish

Daring Fireball Linked List: August 2007

2007-08-29 · tychoish

Science Fiction Memes

2007-08-29 · tychoish

the begining of my statment of purpose

2007-08-29 · tychoish

the wrong crime

2007-08-29 · tychoish

twitter client problem

2007-08-29 · tychoish

boing boing redesgin.

2007-08-28 · tychoish

its a jungleland

2007-08-28 · tychoish

raverly, 2 days and counting

2007-08-28 · tychoish

Slashdot | Laptop/Server Data Synchronization?

2007-08-28 · tychoish

christmas list

2007-08-27 · tychoish

I’ve been saying this for months…

2007-08-27 · tychoish


2007-08-27 · tychoish

The TealArt Post-Times

2007-08-27 · tychoish

dear microsoft

2007-08-26 · tychoish

the new productivity

2007-08-26 · tychoish

accidental growth

2007-08-25 · tychoish

because Jared asked

2007-08-25 · tychoish

the downfall of RSS

2007-08-25 · tychoish


2007-08-25 · tychoish

Open Source Knitting

2007-08-24 · tychoish

Spinning Wheels for Sale

2007-08-24 · tychoish

Station Keeping #12.5: Disaster

2007-08-24 · tychoish

lol emo

2007-08-22 · tychoish

needle shipped

2007-08-22 · tychoish

facebook bandwidth

2007-08-21 · tychoish

Station Keeping #12.2: Charge

2007-08-21 · tychoish

Observations of a New Student

2007-08-20 · tychoish

Station Keeping #12.1: Stranded

2007-08-20 · tychoish

The Times of Hanm Center TealArt

2007-08-20 · tychoish

giving up

2007-08-19 · tychoish

hacking scheme

2007-08-18 · tychoish

predictions of the present future past

2007-08-18 · tychoish

notebooks and hems

2007-08-17 · tychoish

reader feedback: what’s more depressing

2007-08-17 · tychoish

text geek

2007-08-17 · tychoish

the one where…

2007-08-17 · tychoish

Station Keeping #11: Walking Away, Pt. 2

2007-08-16 · tychoish

One Text File to Rule Them All

2007-08-15 · tychoish


2007-08-14 · tychoish

LaTeX screenplays

2007-08-14 · tychoish

Station Keeping #11: Walking Away, Pt. 1

2007-08-14 · tychoish

grrr…. arg

2007-08-13 · tychoish

Late-Breaking TealArt

2007-08-13 · tychoish

Radio Show: Songs we don’t Understand…

2007-08-12 · tychoish

command lines and stick shift

2007-08-11 · tychoish

of instant messaging…

2007-08-11 · tychoish

psionics: telepathy and telekentics

2007-08-11 · tychoish

Better Living Through Regular Expressions: Links/Resources

2007-08-10 · tychoish

tealart redesign

2007-08-10 · tychoish

news of note

2007-08-09 · tychoish

Station Keeping #10, Part 2: Network Upgrades

2007-08-09 · tychoish

Productivity: Habit and Ritual

2007-08-08 · tychoish

Station Keeping #10: Network Upgrades Pt. 1

2007-08-07 · tychoish

Stopping Places

2007-08-07 · tychoish

Creativity and GTD

2007-08-06 · tychoish

The TealArt Herald

2007-08-06 · tychoish

spivak pronouns

2007-08-05 · tychoish

500 years

2007-08-04 · tychoish


2007-08-04 · tychoish

turn your radio on

2007-08-04 · tychoish

Cooler Nicknames

2007-08-02 · tychoish

Knitting Update - Concept Sweater

2007-08-02 · tychoish

moving forward

2007-08-02 · tychoish

Better Living Through Regular Expressions #3

2007-08-01 · tychoish

July  75


2007-07-31 · tychoish

Station Keeping #9: “Gainful Employment”

2007-07-31 · tychoish

essays <=> attempts

2007-07-30 · tychoish

the good and the bad

2007-07-30 · tychoish

The TealArt Post-Intelligencer

2007-07-30 · tychoish

Must Knit Irina

2007-07-29 · tychoish

Someone Make This Work

2007-07-29 · tychoish

still trying

2007-07-29 · tychoish

Family Runion for 29 July 2007

2007-07-28 · tychoish

Deleuzian Reading List

2007-07-27 · tychoish

frickin' templates

2007-07-27 · tychoish

Friday Essay

2007-07-27 · tychoish


2007-07-27 · tychoish

knitting progress

2007-07-26 · tychoish

Adventures in Transcription

2007-07-25 · tychoish

All Hail Hari Seldon

2007-07-25 · tychoish

Better Living through Regexp: A day in the land of ^[GH]:

2007-07-25 · tychoish

no regexp will find this

2007-07-25 · tychoish

wow. that didn’t make sense.

2007-07-25 · tychoish

Station Keeping #8: Fresh Eyes

2007-07-24 · tychoish

wiots, I say, wiots

2007-07-24 · tychoish

efficiency nixed the tycho

2007-07-23 · tychoish

going to far

2007-07-23 · tychoish

The Voice of TealArt

2007-07-23 · tychoish


2007-07-22 · tychoish

multi touch

2007-07-22 · tychoish

of culture

2007-07-22 · tychoish

steampunk stuff

2007-07-22 · tychoish


2007-07-21 · tychoish

I love Artificial Intelligence

2007-07-21 · tychoish

knitting frustrations

2007-07-21 · tychoish

No Philosophy this Week

2007-07-21 · tychoish

station keeping script

2007-07-21 · tychoish

hood ahoy

2007-07-19 · tychoish

Red Sweater Blog - A Peek At MarsEdit 2

2007-07-19 · tychoish

remember the devon

2007-07-19 · tychoish

Software Rundown

2007-07-19 · tychoish

you mean I have a blog?

2007-07-19 · tychoish

Better Living through Regular Expressions: A Dramatic Work

2007-07-18 · tychoish

Of Cooking, Mixtures, and Milieus

2007-07-18 · tychoish

asimov spammed annon

2007-07-17 · tychoish

brain fizz

2007-07-17 · tychoish


2007-07-17 · tychoish

I made me a sock…

2007-07-17 · tychoish

The Monday Times of TealArt #1

2007-07-16 · tychoish

knitting knews

2007-07-15 · tychoish

iPhone thoughts…

2007-07-14 · tychoish

advisors are the best

2007-07-13 · tychoish

images in LaTeX/maruku

2007-07-13 · tychoish

it’s the hair dude

2007-07-13 · tychoish

knitting camp withdrawl

2007-07-13 · tychoish

Thoughts on the Table of Contents of Anti-Oedipus

2007-07-13 · tychoish

more foundation spam

2007-07-12 · tychoish

station keeping idea

2007-07-12 · tychoish

holy shit, it’s wednesday

2007-07-11 · tychoish

Station Keeping #6: Nan’s Loyalties

2007-07-11 · tychoish

This TealArt Week (is almost over)

2007-07-10 · tychoish

apparently you can…

2007-07-09 · tychoish

asimov spam

2007-07-07 · tychoish

knitting camp, day two

2007-07-07 · tychoish

The Problem with Anti-Oedipus

2007-07-06 · tychoish

knitting camp, travel day

2007-07-05 · tychoish

PSKA (public service knitting announcement) [and TealArt updates]

2007-07-05 · tychoish

Sir/Mr. Henry

2007-07-05 · tychoish

blowing up the neighborhood

2007-07-04 · tychoish

Some Rough Empirical Questions

2007-07-04 · tychoish

someone had to do it

2007-07-04 · tychoish

Station Keeping: The Historical Moment

2007-07-04 · tychoish

a blog list for 3 July 2007

2007-07-03 · tychoish

A Good Week (late)

2007-07-03 · tychoish

we’re back!

2007-07-03 · tychoish

a battle with a news-reader

2007-07-02 · tychoish

for joe

2007-07-02 · tychoish


2007-07-02 · tychoish

legs of our own

2007-07-01 · tychoish

June  55

attention spans

2007-06-29 · tychoish

deleuzean connections

2007-06-29 · tychoish

on thyme

2007-06-29 · tychoish

Primitive Territorial Machine

2007-06-29 · tychoish

the punk in cyberpunk

2007-06-29 · tychoish

what is station keeeping?

2007-06-29 · tychoish

Class and the Facebook/the MySpace

2007-06-28 · tychoish

Microsoft’s anti-virtualization stance: forget DRM, think Apple

2007-06-28 · tychoish

more thoughts on danah(’s article)

2007-06-28 · tychoish

the one where tycho gets an email

2007-06-28 · tychoish

time crunches?

2007-06-28 · tychoish

meme mashup (ie. stuff on my lolcat)

2007-06-27 · tychoish

more stuff on my lolcat

2007-06-27 · tychoish


2007-06-27 · tychoish

Social Networking and the Kids Today…

2007-06-27 · tychoish

writing and being read

2007-06-27 · tychoish

Writing Notes: A Geek Problem

2007-06-27 · tychoish

a good day

2007-06-26 · tychoish

ain’t that the truth

2007-06-26 · tychoish

antioch suxorrz

2007-06-26 · tychoish

Going Low Tech

2007-06-26 · tychoish

iphone possibilities

2007-06-26 · tychoish

something dirty?

2007-06-26 · tychoish

Station Keeping: Diplomacy Maneuvers

2007-06-26 · tychoish

what does research mean?

2007-06-26 · tychoish

Actual News!

2007-06-25 · tychoish

foleo: the new/old mobile computing?

2007-06-25 · tychoish

Jesus who? (echo)

2007-06-25 · tychoish

mobile device useage

2007-06-25 · tychoish


2007-06-25 · tychoish

oops, ical

2007-06-25 · tychoish

report for july 25th 2007

2007-06-25 · tychoish


2007-06-24 · tychoish

design complete

2007-06-24 · tychoish


2007-06-24 · tychoish

SF-Writing: This Week

2007-06-24 · tychoish


2007-06-24 · tychoish

wordpress and abstraction

2007-06-24 · tychoish

worth a shot

2007-06-24 · tychoish

Deleuze: Culture, Memory, and Language

2007-06-22 · tychoish

Reviving Old Material

2007-06-20 · tychoish

Station Keeping: Guard Changing

2007-06-19 · tychoish

A Sweater (Knitting Update)

2007-06-18 · tychoish

Good Monday

2007-06-18 · tychoish

Deleuzian: Against Oedipus

2007-06-15 · tychoish

Twitters from Hanm Station

2007-06-15 · tychoish

SK Bumpers � the state of the tycho

2007-06-14 · tychoish

Synthesizing Science Fiction

2007-06-13 · tychoish

Station Keeping: First Arrival

2007-06-12 · tychoish

These Times of TealArt

2007-06-11 · tychoish

Deleuzeian: Desiring Machines

2007-06-08 · tychoish

The Synthesis of Science Fiction

2007-06-06 · tychoish

Setting the Stage: Station Keeping

2007-06-05 · tychoish

Have a good week and have fun. Eat Spinach. Read Station Keeping Tomorrow.

2007-06-04 · tychoish

AO, an Ethical Book?

2007-06-01 · tychoish

May  24

WordPress and Blogging Software

2007-05-31 · tychoish

10 Reasons Shetland Yarn is Magic

2007-05-30 · tychoish

Marking Time

2007-05-29 · tychoish

Taking a Holiday

2007-05-28 · tychoish

Deleuzian or Deleuzean? A New TealArt Series

2007-05-25 · tychoish

Mid May (Morris Slumps)

2007-05-24 · tychoish

PodCast Listeners

2007-05-24 · tychoish

Productivity Reports

2007-05-23 · tychoish

Knitting Quick References for Sweater Design

2007-05-22 · tychoish

A Letter from the Editor

2007-05-21 · tychoish

Letter Signing

2007-05-21 · tychoish

Hypertext Roundup

2007-05-18 · tychoish

Digital Video

2007-05-17 · tychoish

Gone Home

2007-05-16 · tychoish

Mortality and Migration

2007-05-16 · tychoish

Knitting: The Hem Debate

2007-05-15 · tychoish

Station Keeping Progress at Last

2007-05-14 · tychoish

Hyper Digital Text Links

2007-05-11 · tychoish

Today’s Workflow

2007-05-10 · tychoish

Graduation and Science Fiction

2007-05-09 · tychoish

Spring 2007 Semester Knitting Review

2007-05-08 · tychoish

The Next Day…

2007-05-07 · tychoish

Writing Day To Day

2007-05-04 · tychoish

Yarn Frugality

2007-05-01 · tychoish

April  15

The Times of Station Keeping

2007-04-30 · tychoish

Wiki Hyper(digital)text

2007-04-27 · tychoish

Knitting: Teaching Muscle Memory

2007-04-25 · tychoish

A Lightweight Station Keeping

2007-04-23 · tychoish

Hyper(digital)book Futures

2007-04-20 · tychoish

Whining about Command Lines

2007-04-19 · tychoish

Knitting Beyond the Neck

2007-04-17 · tychoish

The Ongoing Care and Maintenance of Your New Space Station

2007-04-16 · tychoish

Publishing Hyper(digital)text

2007-04-13 · tychoish

Productivity and Workflow Whines

2007-04-12 · tychoish

Knitting the Neck

2007-04-10 · tychoish

What is Station Keeping?

2007-04-09 · tychoish

Writing and Producing Hyper(digital)text

2007-04-06 · tychoish

Wearable Knitting

2007-04-03 · tychoish

Knitting Camp

2007-04-02 · tychoish

March  10

Unexpected Hiatus

2007-03-31 · tychoish

Reading And Consuming Hyper(digital)text

2007-03-23 · tychoish

Knitting In The Tradition

2007-03-20 · tychoish

Procrastination? What

2007-03-18 · tychoish

TealArt Productivity: Rethinking GTD

2007-03-18 · tychoish

Intro to HyperText

2007-03-16 · tychoish

The Knit Stitch

2007-03-13 · tychoish

Graduate School Update

2007-03-12 · tychoish

New Series and Site Updates

2007-03-05 · tychoish

Getting What Done: An Explanation of in the generous sense

2007-03-04 · tychoish

February  6

Rethinking GTD: Review (and A Little Rant About Footnotes)

2007-02-24 · tychoish

So You Thought this was a (Knitting) Blog

2007-02-19 · tychoish

Rethinking GTD: The Digit(al)s

2007-02-17 · tychoish

It’s The Browser Bowser!

2007-02-07 · tychoish

From an Otherwise Cogent article…

2007-02-05 · tychoish

Rethinking GTD: Production Times and “the Zone”

2007-02-03 · tychoish

January  7

Graduate School Applications

2007-01-27 · tychoish

Depression and Physicality

2007-01-26 · tychoish

Rethinking GTD: My System

2007-01-26 · tychoish

Getting Other Things Done

2007-01-20 · tychoish

Knitting Project Roundup Fall 2006

2007-01-08 · tychoish


2007-01-04 · tychoish

Humor in Death

2007-01-04 · tychoish

2006  82

December  3

Software, Writing, Productivity

2006-12-06 · tychoish

Mini Entries

2006-12-03 · tychoish

Writing on Not Writing

2006-12-03 · tychoish

November  3


2006-11-15 · tychoish

I’ve been looking for….

2006-11-12 · tychoish


2006-11-04 · tychoish

October  9

Families are the Future

2006-10-22 · tychoish

Why on Earth!

2006-10-16 · tychoish

DRM, eBooks, iTunes, and the Next iPod

2006-10-15 · tychoish

Cool Nicknames

2006-10-14 · tychoish

Interests and Brain Bits

2006-10-10 · tychoish

Sweater Geek

2006-10-06 · tychoish

Dear Blogger: Stop Sucking!

2006-10-02 · tychoish

del.icio.us-ness and hard drive slowdons

2006-10-01 · tychoish

Development, Evolution and Telos

2006-10-01 · tychoish

September  5

Being a Geek

2006-09-28 · tychoish

Tea Addiction

2006-09-24 · tychoish

Wool and Polyamory

2006-09-17 · tychoish

Backwards Sock.

2006-09-04 · tychoish

The Joy of Cats

2006-09-01 · tychoish

August  11

No I really am a Blogger after all.

2006-08-28 · tychoish

End of Summer Knitting News

2006-08-24 · tychoish

I’m still a geek. No really!

2006-08-23 · tychoish


2006-08-19 · tychoish

Gauge Happens

2006-08-15 · tychoish

Summer Makes People Happy

2006-08-15 · tychoish

The Economics of Handspring.

2006-08-11 · tychoish

Snarky Moments

2006-08-04 · tychoish

Knitting and Writing

2006-08-03 · tychoish

Memory. Damn You!

2006-08-03 · tychoish

More from the Dog Files

2006-08-01 · tychoish

July  8

You Must Be Crazy, Boy!

2006-07-31 · tychoish

The Squirrel Killer

2006-07-29 · tychoish

Yarn Needs and Progress and my Knitting Giants Talk.

2006-07-20 · tychoish

Gauge Tensions

2006-07-13 · tychoish

New Projects and Old Friends

2006-07-13 · tychoish

Tonight on Neckline(tm)

2006-07-12 · tychoish

Speaking for the Speakers

2006-07-02 · tychoish

I Made a Mitten and Other Stories

2006-07-01 · tychoish

June  9

Sweaters are like Stories

2006-06-30 · tychoish

So Write

2006-06-29 · tychoish

Ramp Up to Podcast Production

2006-06-27 · tychoish

This is Why I Hate Neurobiology:

2006-06-26 · tychoish

Sweaters Gone Wrong

2006-06-20 · tychoish

For Some Practical Anthropology.

2006-06-18 · tychoish

Shakespeare used “they” with singular antecedents. So there!

2006-06-18 · tychoish

The matrilineal ancestry of Ashkenazi Jews

2006-06-18 · tychoish

Summer Report: Issue 1

2006-06-17 · tychoish

May  1

Two Down and One to Go

2006-05-15 · tychoish

April  6

Some people should know better

2006-04-21 · tychoish

Memorial Through Story

2006-04-18 · tychoish


2006-04-16 · tychoish

From the Quote Book

2006-04-15 · tychoish

What is Narrative After All?

2006-04-15 · tychoish

The Entry Where Sam Becomes a Behaviorist

2006-04-13 · tychoish

March  3

“Says the Cynic”

2006-03-28 · tychoish

Sleeve (Not) Island

2006-03-16 · tychoish

Spring Break

2006-03-09 · tychoish

February  6

On a lighter Note

2006-02-28 · tychoish

A Priori Traits?

2006-02-27 · tychoish

Knitting Books

2006-02-22 · tychoish

Post-MLA post

2006-02-20 · tychoish

Too Close?

2006-02-20 · tychoish

JT Leroy

2006-02-13 · tychoish

January  18

Define This

2006-01-29 · tychoish

Popular Memory and Narrative Study Group Blog

2006-01-28 · tychoish

Epistemology of the Market

2006-01-23 · tychoish

Academic Blogging

2006-01-21 · tychoish

Dangerous Ideas

2006-01-14 · tychoish

Requisite “Brokeback Mountain” Post

2006-01-14 · tychoish

Web logs, weblogs, weblo(w)gs we blogs, but not Web blogs

2006-01-13 · tychoish

No(r)way I’m Done!

2006-01-12 · tychoish

Apple-y Goodness

2006-01-11 · tychoish

Epistemology of What Closet?

2006-01-11 · tychoish

If I were you, I’d love it.

2006-01-11 · tychoish

I’ve Learned to Knit.

2006-01-09 · tychoish

The Isle of the Fairly Mad (Part the Second)

2006-01-06 · tychoish

A Softer World

2006-01-05 · tychoish

Boring Blogger Reflects on the Future

2006-01-05 · tychoish


2006-01-04 · tychoish

everyone has a story

2006-01-04 · tychoish

Aria for Lost Tabs

2006-01-03 · tychoish

2005  43

December  4

The Isle of the Fairly Mad (Part the First)

2005-12-30 · tychoish

the knitting savant(s?)

2005-12-25 · tychoish

(re)presenting identity

2005-12-20 · tychoish

CSS Guide

2005-12-19 · tychoish

November  7

Graduate School and Career Plans

2005-11-28 · tychoish

We Have Hats

2005-11-28 · tychoish

Simple Beret Pattern (a Free Knitting Pattern)

2005-11-26 · tychoish

TealArt Notes!

2005-11-26 · tychoish

Knitting Knitting Knitting

2005-11-13 · tychoish

The Bounds of the Essential

2005-11-03 · tychoish

Messages from Heather

2005-11-01 · tychoish

October  9

(Re)presenting Identity

2005-10-30 · tychoish

Art in the Generous Sense

2005-10-30 · tychoish

Guiding Questions

2005-10-30 · tychoish

Mission Statements

2005-10-30 · tychoish

The Most Entertaining Thing I’ve Read in Months!

2005-10-26 · tychoish

Misreads and Mistyping

2005-10-23 · tychoish

Radio Marrakesh: The Poor Man’s Podcast

2005-10-10 · tychoish

Link Rot

2005-10-09 · tychoish

Taking The Sky

2005-10-01 · tychoish

September  3

Notation Bin

2005-09-24 · tychoish

Report From The Trenches

2005-09-06 · tychoish

My World

2005-09-03 · tychoish

August  2

On Consumption

2005-08-22 · tychoish

On Production

2005-08-22 · tychoish

July  4

For The Record

2005-07-10 · tychoish

Too Many Choices

2005-07-08 · tychoish

Why Didn’t Someone Tell Me About This Sooner

2005-07-08 · tychoish

Yarn Follies

2005-07-08 · tychoish

June  6

Dental Floss

2005-06-23 · tychoish

Moments of Knitting Transition

2005-06-17 · tychoish

We’ll Always Have Star Wars…

2005-06-13 · tychoish

You Can’t Take the Sky From Us

2005-06-12 · tychoish

New News (Programs)

2005-06-10 · tychoish

By Grunge We’re Back

2005-06-09 · tychoish

May  3

Summering Along

2005-05-24 · tychoish

5 Reasons I’m Vaguely Anoyed

2005-05-18 · tychoish

2 Down, 4 to Go

2005-05-14 · tychoish

April  1

Spring Semester

2005-04-19 · tychoish

February  1

Take the Suck Out

2005-02-26 · tychoish

January  3

Some Winter Breaks

2005-01-21 · tychoish

The Search for Love in Manhattan

2005-01-09 · tychoish

Gender and Sex are different things

2005-01-07 · tychoish

2004  66

December  3

Working Report: End of the Semester Knitting

2004-12-30 · tychoish


2004-12-28 · tychoish

Yarn Tribulations

2004-12-08 · tychoish

November  8

Just Poke it at a Possum

2004-11-21 · tychoish

Knitting for Your Mood

2004-11-14 · tychoish

Western Feminism and Non-Western Lives

2004-11-11 · tychoish

The General Up and Down

2004-11-10 · tychoish

Massive Update

2004-11-06 · tychoish

Independent Media and TealArt

2004-11-03 · tychoish

The Masterís Tools and The Third Wave

2004-11-02 · tychoish

Of Reading, Science Fiction, Social Theory, and a Personal Update

2004-11-01 · tychoish

October  5

Affinity on a Smaller Scale

2004-10-30 · tychoish

A Little Slice of Reality

2004-10-29 · tychoish

It’s Either Sexist or Fraught with Binary Thinking

2004-10-25 · tychoish

One of Thoes Days

2004-10-09 · tychoish

Call Me "Productivity Boy"

2004-10-03 · tychoish

September  6

Chicken : Egg :: Difference : Inequality(?)

2004-09-21 · tychoish

Nature : Nurture

2004-09-17 · tychoish

Status Update: Beloit College

2004-09-12 · tychoish

I Saw a Poster Today&hellip;

2004-09-09 · tychoish

The Challenges of Distance

2004-09-07 · tychoish

All Connected Now

2004-09-06 · tychoish

August  14

He Said He Said

2004-08-24 · tychoish

New Sweater In Progress

2004-08-14 · tychoish

:author: tychoish

2004-08-13 · tychoish

Identity Theory

2004-08-12 · tychoish

On Second Thought&hellip;

2004-08-12 · tychoish

Summer Goals

2004-08-12 · tychoish

The Latest Angles

2004-08-12 · tychoish

Two Weeks and Counting

2004-08-08 · tychoish

Update, Update

2004-08-06 · tychoish

Undergoing the Update

2004-08-05 · tychoish

Affinity Story Guidelines

2004-08-04 · tychoish


2004-08-04 · tychoish

Why it All Matters in the End

2004-08-04 · tychoish

The Joy of Finishing

2004-08-02 · tychoish

July  4

Pattern: Fine Gauge Knitted Beanie Style Hat/Cap

2004-07-26 · tychoish

New Knitting Content @ TealArt

2004-07-23 · tychoish

Affinity Story Project(s)

2004-07-19 · tychoish

The Grunge Look

2004-07-10 · tychoish

June  7

Zenning Gender

2004-06-16 · tychoish

Computer Woes

2004-06-15 · tychoish

By George, It’s Empty

2004-06-11 · tychoish

Today as Opposed to Yesterday and the Day Before

2004-06-11 · tychoish

Summer Employment

2004-06-10 · tychoish

Brad - A Cure and My Friends Back

2004-06-06 · tychoish


2004-06-06 · tychoish

May  9

Apple Pie in your Face

2004-05-23 · tychoish

The Art that Surrounds Us

2004-05-21 · tychoish

Too Touchy Feely Sometimes

2004-05-20 · tychoish

Marriage Redux

2004-05-18 · tychoish

Moving Type

2004-05-17 · tychoish

Easy to be Gay

2004-05-16 · tychoish

The Mighty Blogosphere and other Stories

2004-05-14 · tychoish

Live First

2004-05-13 · tychoish

Post-Modern Stress

2004-05-13 · tychoish

April  2

The Historical Gay

2004-04-21 · tychoish

An Old Friend

2004-04-14 · tychoish

March  2

And He Chose Me, and Related Other Stories

2004-03-19 · tychoish

What does this say about me?

2004-03-06 · tychoish

February  4

Because we have Potatoes

2004-02-21 · tychoish

That Damned Computer

2004-02-15 · tychoish

Something, Sometime that did that One Thing

2004-02-10 · tychoish

Ye Old Debate

2004-02-03 · tychoish

January  2

Value Judgments

2004-01-17 · tychoish

Rhetorically Speaking

2004-01-03 · tychoish

2003  46

December  2

Transparent Style

2003-12-11 · tychoish

Linking and Thinking

2003-12-02 · tychoish

November  10

Oh My God, or, ìHoly Fucking Shitî

2003-11-28 · tychoish

Of Poetry and Geekery

2003-11-25 · tychoish

Tonight on the Marriage Front

2003-11-23 · tychoish

Deconstruct This!

2003-11-16 · tychoish

Link and Think Announcement

2003-11-15 · tychoish

Site Updates

2003-11-13 · tychoish

Family Are… This is My Family.

2003-11-12 · tychoish

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

2003-11-10 · tychoish

Dancing with the Gay Boys

2003-11-09 · tychoish

To Bend or To Not to Bend

2003-11-09 · tychoish

October  3

Fun Writing English Papers

2003-10-22 · tychoish

Protect My Marriage

2003-10-11 · tychoish

Cooking Sushi

2003-10-08 · tychoish

September  2

Fading Away Like the Stars in the Morning

2003-09-12 · tychoish

The Ideal of Masculinity

2003-09-03 · tychoish

August  5

Gayer then Thou

2003-08-28 · tychoish

Overcoming Oppression

2003-08-28 · tychoish

Interview Game: Sam

2003-08-26 · tychoish

My Face

2003-08-26 · tychoish

Shifting Forms

2003-08-26 · tychoish

July  11

Bravo, Gay Night

2003-07-30 · tychoish

Angels in America

2003-07-29 · tychoish

We Lived

2003-07-23 · tychoish


2003-07-12 · tychoish

Time to Ring Some Changes

2003-07-10 · tychoish

Borne Back Ceaselessly into the Past

2003-07-09 · tychoish

Me Listen Pretty

2003-07-09 · tychoish

We’ve Arrived

2003-07-06 · tychoish

Masculinity Study

2003-07-05 · tychoish

No Small Amount of Naval Gazing

2003-07-05 · tychoish

Coding on the Battlefield

2003-07-03 · tychoish

April  5

Fancy This

2003-04-25 · tychoish

Too Plot Centric

2003-04-15 · tychoish

Fancy That

2003-04-13 · tychoish


2003-04-08 · tychoish

Queerer Than Folk

2003-04-02 · tychoish

March  4

Another Bright Shiny Morning - Personal Update

2003-03-30 · tychoish

Full Circle

2003-03-29 · tychoish

The Disillusioned Geek

2003-03-28 · tychoish

Site Updates

2003-03-26 · tychoish

February  3

The First Person

2003-02-27 · tychoish

Between the Darkness and the Light

2003-02-12 · tychoish

Space Shuttle

2003-02-01 · tychoish

January  1

With Song and Dance

2003-01-01 · tychoish

2002  10

December  10

Simplistic Appeal

2002-12-22 · tychoish

Character Synthesis

2002-12-21 · tychoish

Graphical Representation

2002-12-21 · tychoish

New Fronts and a Prime Directive

2002-12-21 · tychoish

Perfect Notebook Bliss

2002-12-21 · tychoish

Respecting Other Forms

2002-12-21 · tychoish

Working on It

2002-12-18 · tychoish

A Way With Words

2002-12-15 · tychoish

Lost Ground and Fresh Starts

2002-12-15 · tychoish

Unsung Heroes

2002-12-15 · tychoish